Thursday, October 10, 2024

Globalist false flag


Or the greatest conspiracy theory ever hatched? The Why Files takes on Project Blue Beam, here associated with Quebecois writer Serge Monast. 

This particular conspiracy theory claims that an evil cabal will try to "unite humanity" by staging a fake UFO attack. I think it´s obvious that the purported "project" is really a mash up of various earlier conspiracist ideas about the NWO, the Anti-Christ, and so on. Ronald Reagan´s UN speech about a hypothetical alien invasion may have triggered these particular speculations. The Christian fundamentalist aspect makes it curious that people who aren´t even close to being such also promote the "theory". The cultic milieu strikes again!  

I think I´ve heard of Blue Beam about 20 years ago when reading some book by David Icke. It´s a metaphor for globalism and one world government, something the Why Files actually points out. Fear of technological innovation (including genetic manipulation) is another ingredient.

"Is it possible"? Hardly, even apart from the fact that Monast apparently plagiarized some aspects of his false flag scenario from "Star Trek". Our globalist overlords simply don´t have the necessary technology or energy sources. Nor are they sufficiently united. Or even sufficiently smart, LOL. 

So nah, this will remain (admittedly interesting) science fiction.     

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