Saturday, October 5, 2024

Everything is Fermi´s paradox


Or suffering? 

A new speculative study suggests that even if an advanced civilization would take all its energy from renewable sources (such as solar power), it would still collapse after about 1,000 years if energy consumption continues to grow exponentially. 

The only solution seems to be - surprise - to limit population growth and hence energy use. So limits to growth is apparently a thing on all possible alien worlds. Blasted! I mean, who knew?

Of course, the above would solve Fermi´s paradox. Either aliens kill themselves in a gigantic heat death of their home planet (fossile, fissile or solar) or they give up space flight and accept being marooned for a billion years...

I know what I would chose, and no, it´s not "rather one year as a space faring lion than one billion years as a grazing sheep", I´m with the sheep on this one!  

Alien civilizations probably killing themselves from climate change, bleak study suggests


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