Saturday, April 27, 2024

Our alien overlords


I never heard of Charles Hall before. If I understand the Why Files correctly, Hall wrote a string of science fiction novels about 20 years ago. Later, he claimed they were all true. Hall started promoted himself as a "contactee" at various UFO-themed conferences.

It´s an intriguing story about how Hall befriended three Tall Whites, as the aliens are called. The alien race has a secret and sinister deal with the US federal government and military, but the Tall White family who interacted with Hall seemed friendly enough, adding another strange twist to the already strange UFO saga. 

Note that the Tall White female is called "The Teacher". Hall´s story (at least as retold by AJ) comes across as a strange mix of the benign Theosophical contactee stories of the 1950´s and 1960´s, and the more malign conspiracy theories which became more prominent later. 

Most sensationally, there seems to be *some* kind of evidence for parts of Hall´s story, since Google Earth enthusiasts did find strange UFO-shaped objects at exactly the locations they were supposed to be...deep in the Nevadan desert. Or perhaps not so sensationally, since one of Hall´s claims is that the military is manufacturing UFO-like objects according to Tall White specifications. But if so, a more natural explanation is that the military is solely responsible. The aliens are a myth.

The UFOs mentioned by Hall are supposedly similar to the TicToc UFO in one of the sensational disclosure videos, a video which wasn´t released until after Hall´s books were published. could still be a purely man-made object without alien input. What if the military got the idea for a disinfo campaign from reading Hall´s books? 

Questions, questions...

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