Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Spirit cooking in County Sligo


Thomas Sheridan (the Crowleyan neo-pagan and chaos magician I sometimes link to) tries to stay out of the Israel-Palestine conflict, but he clearly detests the pro-Hamas Wokies in Ireland and elsewhere. 

Apparently, there was some recent drama at his Facebook page (which I don´t have access to) over Palestine/Hamas and Marina Abramovic (?!).  

The everyday monsters in our midst

Anti-semitic Irish tax payer funded operation

Corvids know things

1 comment:

  1. A quote from another Substack post by me man Sheridan:

    >>>I have to personally admit that I now do everything to avoid contact with the general public these days if I can help it. Am I a snob? Of course. Many of them seem less and less human in behavioral/mannerisms kind of way and more akin to well, "Peoplekind"!

    >>>Especially since the rollout of the Covid Vax. Lately, I've gone from feeling less like an anthropologist and more like a zoologist whenever I take yet one more highly reluctant trip to the supermarket, as I find myself increasingly surrounded by "Peoplekind" and not human beings as I once knew them.
