Tuesday, December 24, 2019

God jul

Insåg just att jag inte ordentligt önskat bloggens läsare (alla tre) en riktigt god jul, så jag gör det alltså nu!


  1. "Jesus is a myth but the pagan gods I celebrate on the Winter Solstice really do exist". Can anyone elaborate on this?

  2. "Dead Jews can´t rise, but Kronos and Helios really exist and influence my ass on the Winter Solstice". Is this what Neo-Pagans actually believe?

  3. "The virgin birth is impossible, but if I go down in lotus position and hum a mantra at the shores of the Brahmaputra river, I can attain siddha powers and fly to the Moon". Is this what Neo-Gnostics actually say? Or what?

  4. "The New Testament is bunk, and Josephus is interpolated, but Dan Brown´s Da Vinci code is absolutely reliable". Can anyone please explain this?

  5. "Church tradition about Jesus, Peter and Paul is unreliable in the extreme, but my occult transmission of teachers, which goes back all the way to Atlantis and Lemuria, is absolutely true, especially since it was chanelled by a highly accomplished spiritualist medium in Downtown Chicago".

  6. I suppose this is not the time to blather about the world´s 16 crucified saviors, is it?

  7. "Christ is bunk, but my crucified savior actually existed". Is this what the New Age conspiracist demimonde actually think, or what?

  8. "Jesus wasn´t the Son of God, but he was a space alien from the Pleiades channeling the Solar Logos of the Seven Elohim, and a brother of Krishna to boot. I have pics to prove it". Is this what the New Age seriously is trying to tell us?
