Monday, December 4, 2023

Kissinger´s final interview (yes, really)


Henry Kissinger´s last interview, in both summary and in full. Note, however, that the Breitbart editor distorts Kissinger´s remarks about Jordan and the West Bank. The old national security advisor isn´t saying that "Jordan is Palestine", he is saying that Jordan should take control of the West Bank - a very different concept! 

The former idea would entail the overthrow of the Hashemite dynasty and turning Jordan (really Transjordan) into an actual Palestinian state - a crazy solution from anybody´s perspective - while the latter means that the Hashemites remain in power and simply retake the West Bank (the situation before 1967).

The main "take away" from the conversation seems to be that the United State must take a more active part in the Mideast conflict to balance the more radical stances of the Arab states, such as Egypt and Saudi Arabia. It´s not spelled out exactly what kind of engagement Kissinger may have in mind...

Note also that the centenarian still calls for a détente with China.  

Kissinger´s Final Interview (Summary) 

Kissinger´s (Maybe) Last Interview

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