Sunday, February 12, 2023

Light on excess deaths?


A less alarmist view on the excess death situation than that of John Campbell (which I linked to before). I don´t quite understand this man´s take on the vaccines, but his views on cancer and cardiovascular disease are pretty clear.

Part of the excess deaths after the COVID pandemic are due to cancer, since screening for various types of cancer went down during the pandemic, and has failed to go up afterwards. Less people are therefore diagnosed with cancer even if they actually have it, leading to more cancer deaths. Cardiovascular disease could be another factor leading to an increase in deaths, perhaps because COVID weakens people´s resistance to heart attacks and the like. Also, these deaths happen during the winter months, which is to be expected.

As for the vaccines, the argument seems to be that during the pandemic, excess deaths were substantially higher in US states with lower vaccination rates until the Omicron wave, when the curve evened out, excess deaths being about the same in low-vaccination states as in high-vaccination ones. If vaccines caused the post-pandemic excess deaths, the curve should start climbing steeply in vaccinated states, but this haven´t happened.

Well, let´s hope MedCram is right!

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