Friday, October 18, 2024

The Tyrannids are coming


Mercurial petit bourgeois element Vaush is coping with left-liberal TV personality Ana Kasparian leaving the leftoid orbit for more independent pursuits. A bit outside my frame of reference (not to mention my intellectual jurisdiction), but I suppose it´s funny in a sense...  

Thursday, October 17, 2024

A question of trust


This would explain a thing or two. Look at my old blog post "Allah save the Maleek" from 2022 and the commentary section (the comments are in both English and Swedish). 

In particular, look at the time stamps. 

A BBC reporter on Twitter claimed on September 8, 2022 that Elizabeth II died in the morning. The rumor was supposedly "fake news" yada yada, but now it seems that it was actually true?! 

The Queen had died already during the night between Sep 7 and Sep 8. Officially, she didn´t pass away until afternoon on Sep 8. That is, *after* the Twitter rumor... 

I always wondered about this strange co-incidence. It seems we now have a plausible explanation. 

Allah save the Maleek

A modest proposal


Wait a sec, are you telling me that we´re *not* all going to die within five years??? You bastarrrrrd!!! Give me apocalypse or give me death!

Somewhere between the arbitrary extremes

A climate hypothesis

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Dog days


Credit: Jozef Fehér (Pexels)

Governor DeSantis is back on his job...

Former dog owner prosecuted

Transing the third period


Sources say that world history always repeats itself three times. The first time as tragedy, the second time as farce, and the third time as burlesque.

The American left are essentially transing the third period. So I suppose this is the burlesque, then!    

Trump era or third period?


Socialist Alternative critiques a breakaway faction, Revolutionary Workers (led by Kshama Sawant). Note that the two groups really agree on voting for Jill Stein, but the latter group is more brazen and "third period" about it. I can´t say I care much, but if Trotskyist bickering is your thing, well, welcome to the party!  

The case for voting Jill Stein in the Trump era

Why Kamala Harris is losing


The title of this post is click bait, but it seems a large portion of the American left are willing to spoil their votes and risk a Trump victory in order to protest the Democratic Party´s perceived support for the Israeli war in Gaza. 

In other words: they see this war as the main axis of politics, both globally and domestically, more important than even stopping Trump (who they still dub a fascist or proto-fascist). 

Let´s be honest: it´s an adaptation to certain mercurial middle class layers at US college campuses...   

DSA Statement on the 2024 elections: Drop out Biden!

Statement on the end of Biden´s presidential campaign

No Harris! No Trump! End the Genocidal War!

Kshama Sawant tweet

Jill Stein election poster

Fear of a Black planet


These "channeled messages" are just word sallad, and might be written by ChatGPT at this point. Note also that each message is exactly 10 minutes 11 seconds! Note further that most aliens are either White humans or blue-skinned. There is also a White lion?! 

The YouTube channel even comes with an enigmatic disclaimer, stating that the messages are for entertainment purposes "ONLY". True? Or a necessary part of the Aquarian conspiracy?

But sure, I suppose it´s good news that the Great White Brotherhood still thinks we´re elligible for "Ascension", LOL.   

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Phrenology forever


Why are criminals so darn ugly? Edward Dutton argues that there is a connection between low IQ and ugliness, and that low IQ people are more likely to be criminal. I suppose that could be true if "criminal" means "breaking the law".

High IQ criminals *write* the laws, and hence don´t have to break them. I´m sure they are really good-looking, too! 

Vad fan är det här?


Brukar inte länka till "enskilda fall", men här kan jag inte låta bli. Ytterst anmärkningsvärda uppgifter, som jag alltså hoppas har dubbelkollats av SVT Nyheter.  

Flera familjer anklagades av sjukhuset

Läkare på Södersjukhuset får inte träffa patienter

Hör läkaren i hemliga inspelningen

Lovisa, 18, har ovanlig sjukdom