Friday, May 3, 2024

Journey home


This is the extent of my knowledge so far:

There is a mind-independent outside world. At the very least, it´s independent of *our* minds.

It´s experience all the way down. All *our* knowledge comes from experience.

There is a soul. After death, it goes to a better place. This is proven by near-death experiences.

Other paranormal or anomalous phenomena are probably true. The exact extent or even character of this “truth” is unknown.

There is something we could call “God” or at least “the Divine”, the exact character of which is unknown at the present.

Everything over and above this is speculation, more or less well informed as the case might be. 

Make of the above information what you wish! 

Narrative busted? LOL


Far right Breitbart News tries to prove that capitalism wasn´t based on slavery or colonialism. Which kind of misses the point even if true. 

Note also the following quotes:

>>>The head of Political Economy at the IEA argues that while some select elite families within Britain and other colonial powers profited immensely during the time, such gains were not felt by the public at large, who rather than benefitting were instead steeply taxed to pay the exorbitant costs in extra military and administrative spending needed to maintain and protect far-away colonial outposts. 

>>>Niemietz did acknowledge that there is evidence that places in the world that were colonised did experience long term negative effects, particularly areas which were environmentally or otherwise inhospitable to Europeans at the time as they tended to establish authoritarian and “extractivist” forms of government, which when they left served as a power structure for continued poor governance from local elites.

>>>“A history of colonial extractivism, or a period of heavy involvement in the slave trade, made the subsequent development of good institutions less likely. The implication is that colonialism and slavery were not zero-sum games that benefited the colonisers at the expense of the colonised. It was more like a negative-sum game, which hurt the latter without really benefiting the former,” he concluded.

Indeed. Except for those rich elites, of course. 

Narrative busted: Colonialism did not make the British Empire rich

När svansen viftar med hunden


Jag är som bekant inte särskilt ryssvänlig, men ibland blir kvällspressens propaganda lite...löjlig. Särskilt när rubrikerna dyker upp på samma sida! Den korrekta rubriken är den nedre: Nigers pro-ryska militärjunta tänker kasta ut de amerikanska trupperna, och 60 ryska soldater har därför inkvarterat sig i en annan del av den stora militärbas som tills helt nyligen kontrollerades av USA.

Half the way with LBJ...cancelled?


In 2020, the left-wing radical protests (BLM/Antifa) clearly favored the Democrats. In 2024, they rather favor the Republicans, since they make radicalized youth less likely to vote Democrat. 

I suppose it´s a good thing (hint of irony here) that the leftists show their "class independence" from the "bourgeois capitalist" Democratic Party in this way.

Unless it´s a conspiracy of some kind, the contours of which have yet to be discerned. 

Report: Groups behind pro-Hamas protests funded by George Soros


Thursday, May 2, 2024

Between two ages


Two debate bros on conspiracy denial. 

Lesser known erythristic cats


"Good day, dear Sir"

I just learned a new word: "erythristic". Almost a crypto-word! 

Two lesser known Brazilian mystery cats 

Just send them home


Have no idea what Sabine is talking about here, but I do get the impression that it´s time to simply scrap QM and tell the guys to go home, find a real job, or something to that effect. But then, I kind of thought that for a long time... 

The world atheists want


Orthodox Christian and on-off conspiracy theorist Jay Dyer discusses the bizarre movie "Alien: Covenant" with another (?) Orthodox Christian. They are right about the Satanic themes in the film, obviously. Trans-humanism, that kind of stuff.   

Orthodox metaphysics


Eastern Orthodox content-creator Jay Dyer on why he isn´t an atheist. While I´m not an atheist either (well, I think - YouTube atheist debate bros have a very broad definition of it!), I find most of his arguments unconvincing. They are mostly metaphysical and philosophical, most notably "the transcendental argument", which seems similar to the Argument from Reason popularized by C S Lewis. 

More intriguing, perhaps, are his political arguments, partially based on right-wing conspiracy theory...

Make of this material what you want. 

No bananas

The pro-Hamas protesters at UCLA are manning up. Gas masks, shields and skater helmets have been requested from supporters on the outside. Also, vegan and gluten-free food. Nuts and bananas are banned, though.

The second article is about a similar situation at Columbia University, New York, a couple of days ago.  

UCLA encampment requests vegan, gluten-free food. "No nuts", "no bananas"

Columbia protesters demand food and water, et cetera