Thursday, November 7, 2024

For the record


Jill Stein got more votes in some Arab/Muslim-dominated precincts in Michigan than Kamala Harris. From the X account of Kshama Sawant, the leader of the Trotskyist "Revolutionary Workers". 

Trump won the state of Michigan very narrowly.  

East Dearborn precinct tally

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Woke means broke


The Woke complain about American voters "not being ready for a Black female president". A propos the recent defeat of a certain Kamala Harris. 

But there does seem to be a fool proof solution to that problem. 

So what´s the problem, really? 


Global fall


More like summer!

"A Year on Planet Earth" is a four-part nature documentary released in 2022. I just watched the fall or autumn episode. It´s pretty eclectic and follow very different animals all over the world. It´s not even clear whether it´s always "fall" in the various locations.

Elephants in Africa, grizzlies in the Yukon, chipmunks in Quebec, muskoxen in Norway, Amur falcons chasing swarming termites in Nagaland, and monarch butterflies in both Maine and get the picture. Add zillions of crabs on Christmas Island and you´re done! 

I think we´ve seen most of this before, tbh, but it was a nice diversion from the election drama in a certain North American nation...



The above seems to be correct. But note that *both* Biden´s and Trump´s popular votes were anomalously high in 2020. 

So if the extreme Dem popular vote that year is evidence for massive vote fraud (perhaps through ballot harvesting), what are we to make of the Trump votes? The Truthers want to re-open the 2020 election fraud case, but something tells me nobody upstairs will listen...

I expect historians to dig into this around 2060 or so.

Wotan as intellectual


John Michael Greer continues his intriguing analysis of Richard Wagner´s Ring cycle. Is Wotan a symbol of the Western intelligentsia? Note JMG´s bold take on Pythagoras!  

The Nibelung´s ring: The Valkyrie 1



Har den här politrucken smuttat för mycket på gravölen? Ingenting av detta är realistiskt utan USA:s stöd. Men oj, EU lyckades "ena sig" om lockdowns under COVID. Ja, förutom Sverige då... 

"Sveriges Plan B"

The return of the Donald


It´s not over until it´s over, seems as if Trump is going to win both the popular vote and the electoral college.  

Tyvärr händer sånt inte här


Har tyvärr aldrig läst "Sånt händer inte här" av Sinclair Lewis. Kadhammar baxnar över parallellerna till en viss Donald Trump. Sedan frågar han: "Hur ska demokratin handskas med personer som utnyttjar demokratin för att förstöra den?". 

En mer intressant fråga är varför så många tycker att demokratin är värd att förstöras? Och en ännu obehagligare fråga är om demokratin verkligen alltid är värd att försvara... 

Nobelpristagaren skrev om Trump redan 1935

Catastasis mundi


From John Michael Greer´s astrology blog (most of which is closed to non-patrons). I assume this menans that Trump and his litter buddy Pompeo won´t make Amerika great again, after all. Darn! After all this trouble...

>>>Which “horrid evils” are signaled by the arrival of any given comet are determined in large part by the sign in which the comet appears. Comet Tsuchinshan-Atlas was first visible to the naked eye in Virgo, low in the eastern sky just before dawn.  A comet in Virgo predicts warfare, economic troubles, epidemics of feverish illnesses, and a decline in the birth rate. 

>>>It also warns that the officials of some government will be driven out of their offices en masse; they may be imprisoned or forced to flee their country, and will not regain their positions, their influence, or their wealth. Since the comet was in the eastern sky, these will tend to happen relatively soon.

>>>The comet’s second appearance was in Libra, low in the western sky after sunset. A comet in Libra signals crop failures, famines, poverty, drought, and suffering through excessive cold; it warns of secret plots and treacheries, pandemic diseases, and the deaths of eminent persons. Since the comet was in the western sky, these will tend to happen later on in the period of the comet’s effects. 

Comet Tsuchinshan-Atlas: An Astrological Experiment

The Tracey trifecta


OK, I´m going to wrap up this election night with a third contribution by Michael Tracey, this time about the end of the election campaign and undecided voters in Pennsylvania. Also quite interesting!

Happy Election Day