Thursday, October 31, 2024

Abandoning the ultimate cope


Some of the strongest arguments against Christianity are the failed apocalyptic predictions in the New Testament. One extreme way to deal with them is known as "full preterism" (by adherents) or "hyper-preterism" (by opponents). I believe a former hyper-preterist Christian on YouTube called this position "the ultimate cope". 

According to hyper-preterists, the end times predictions of Jesus *did* come to pass already during the first century. This forces them to interpret the prophecies metaphorically and almost esoterically. Or at the very least anachronistically! 

Atheist Richard Carrier just the other day debated with a hyper-preterist named Don Preston on YouTube. Below is a link to Carrier´s extensive summary of his case against Preston´s Bible exegesis.

Two things about hyper-preterism are particularly strange. One is that the NT itself seems to argue against precisely such a heresy, associated with Hymenaeus and Philetus, a point not lost on Christian opponents of full preterism. Another is the weird insistence that a word can only mean one single thing in every context, throughout the entire Bible. I mean, most literalist fundamentalists don´t go that far!

I´m not telling you to abandon hope. But we should at the very least let go of the ultimate cope... 

Did the Rapture already happen!? No. Nor will it ever.

Mending fences


This article summarizes how a certain faction of the establishment ("Big Tech") is moving closer to Trump, perhaps for pragmatic reasons, perhaps for others.  

Tech leaders mend fences with Trump ahead of election



 - Okej, bror, det här kan bli kul!

Hur länge innan någon anklagar Kadhammar för att vara en lättkränkt sexistisk gubbe?   

"Nina Björk i DN har inget med städningen hemma hos mig att göra"

Fake news är fake news


Ytterst anmärkningsvärt. Så efter typ tio år med den här skiten säger nu en av väktarna att hotet från desinformation bara är "fake news"? LOL.

Nja, vad det egentligen handlar om är att gammelmedia konsekvent misslyckats med att övertyga folk och fä om att Etablissemanget är Allvetande och Allgott. Så det här är kapitulationen. Vad de ska göra nu är ju en intressant fråga. 

Hoppa i älva?   

Vi borde sluta tjata om hotet från desinformation

Sverige väljer


Från TH:s blogg. Att 43% av SD:s väljare stödjer Donald Trump är kanske inte så konstigt, men varför stödjer 40% av SD-väljarna Kamala Harris? Tror de att hon är en sann arier från Indien, eller vad? Observera också att 100% (sic) av Centerväljarna stödjer Harris! Swedish BlueAnon, much?

Totalt sett stödjer 79% av de tillfrågade svenskarna Harris. Samtidigt är 76% oroliga för att Trump kommer att segra i det amerikanska valet!

43% av SD-väljarna stödjer Trump

Arbeit und knäckebrot


Översättning: regeringen har inga lösningar. Alls. Det enda den kan säga är "slå vakt om arbetsliiiiiinjen". Hur det ska öka födelsetalet är ju lite oklart. 

Samtidigt är det onekligen intressant att den lyfter befolkningsfrågan över huvud taget!

Mina lösningar vill ni kanske inte ens höra...  

Varför föds så få barn i Sverige?



John Michael Greer´s galaxy brain take on Hitler. Many questionable claims in this one, to be honest. 

For instance, centrist or leftoid liberals can´t become Nazis, since they lack that kind of social base and - frankly - the stamina. They are forever doomed to be Weimar. The Antifas could become Communists, but even that is a long shot. They are probably doomed to remain Weimar´s failed storm troopers...

And so on! 

The man with the moustache



For the record, I don´t think Uncle Biden really bit the leg of that baby, nor do I think he´s a vampire, know, optics and stuff. 

Joe Biden biting a baby during trick-or-treating at White House

Samma lika


Är det här samma parti som Partiet Solidaritet? Eller är det ännu en utbrytning från Vänsterpartiet? Namnet "Partiet Solidaritet" nämns aldrig, men den politiska inriktningen verkar vara exakt densamma... 

Utesluten vänsterpartist utmanar Dadgostar, bildar nytt parti

Thank you


If atheism is a mere lack of belief in God or gods, then Buddhism is *not* atheist. This is most obvious in Mahayana, where the bodhisattvas resemble gods (while not nominally being called such). But even in Theravada, there are many references to gods or "devas". And yes, some of them are worshipped, go figure.

Nor does secular Buddhism transcend national cultures, poiting to a new universalism. Rather, it is very strongly cultural itself. It´s (of course) part of contemporary White American middle class culture.  

Please share this video with the atheist nerds and secular Buddhists. It´s high time that we de-secularize, de-modernize and de-Californianize Buddhism. For good or for worse!

Then, read this: 

Just another religion? 

Pure Land in the West?

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Guilt by association


"Professor" Dave messes with the wrong mama, and comes out as a 100% pro-establishment shill. But we knew that already. 

Note the guilt by association, science fraud denial, science slow down denial, weird misunderstandings of Hossenfelder´s points and outright paranoia. Dude, get a grip! The Velikovskians won´t bite you.

I think Pravda-esque propagandists like my man Dave will collapse together with current establishment science circa 2040, although I suppose it´s possible that they will make a U-turn at the last possible moment (as many Communists did in 1989-91). Of course, when this crisis happens, all kinds of actual kooks might indeed gain an audience, but that´s precisely why we need science communicators like Sabine Hossenfelder, who try to save the scientific method from the really existing institutions (and some of the really existing scientists). And the math? 

I suppose we could see Hossenfelder as a kind of Gorbachev, while Dave is firmly stuck in the Chernenko era... 

Dracula´s hidden kingdom


Credit: Charles J Sharp 

“Dracula´s Hidden Kingdom” is the dramatic title of a fairly regular nature documentary about Transylvania in Romania. As far as I understand, Transylvania wasn´t even 15th century warlord Vlad Dracula´s actual principality! It was probably British writer Bram Stoker (19th century) who made the association and…well, here we are.

To give the docu some (tourist) “local color”, some scary castles, ruins and graveyards have been included, and something I take to be Gypsy music plays in the background while the narrator speaks. Most of the time, however, we get to see all the usual players: lynxes, wolves, red foxes, deer, beavers and European bison – OK, maybe the latter is new to most viewers! Birds shown include white storks, bee-eaters and the hoopoe. We also learn that there are 200 species of butterflies in Transylvania and 27 species of bats. I admit I had no idea so many species of these particular critters even existed in Europe! Sources?

Apparently, Homo sapiens have lived in Transylvania for 40,000 years (a Stone Age cave painting of a bison is shown) and throughout most of its history, the area was teeming with wildlife, including enormous herds of the just mentioned bison. Even today, at least the bear population seems to be thriving, while many other animals have diminishing populations. The bison were actually extirpated in the wild at one point, but have been reintroduced. Plans to establish a new national park in the Carpathians are mentioned. 

Personally, I have to admit that East European rural backwaters give me claustrophobia, but sure, maybe they are good for non-humane Animalia? Perhaps somewhere in that vast mountain wilderness, some lonely vampire is still stalking the hills… 

Paved with good intentions


“Journey Star” by John Michael Greer is the sequel to “The Fires of Shalsha”, the author´s very first published novel. Greer recently described the sequel as “disturbing” and promised that if he ever writes a third novel in the saga, it will be even more so. After reading “Journey Star”, I have to say that it isn´t disturbing enough! I mean, it even has a happy ending.

Or does it?

The plot is set at Eridan, a planet in an alien solar system colonized by humans fleeing an Earth destroyed by man-made climate change. The democratic Colonial authority was soon overthrown by mad scientists who killed millions in slave labor camps in a vain attempt to mimic 20th century progress on Earth (compare Stalin´s Soviet Union). The Directorate, as the genocidal regime was called, was in turn overthrown by the Insurgency, the rebels using nuclear bombs to drive home their point. Post-apocalypse, the occult Halka order (a kind of samurai with paranormal powers induced by psychedelic plants) took over control of Eridan, banning most high technology while the surviving population formed settlements in the wilderness known as Shelters. These were constantly attacked by quasi-intelligent machines surviving the downfall of the Directorate, and by Outrunners, humans who refused to join the Shelters and turned to cannibalism instead.

The Halka eventually managed to defeat the machines and began a brutal campaign aimed at exterminating the Outrunners, who were forced to cannibalize each other. Some of the Outrunners carried a mysterious symbiont, who unknown to everyone is really the surviving brain tissue of Carl Emmer, the genocidal Director long believed to have been vaporized in the aforementioned nuclear war. The Emmer brain-worm eventually finds a suitable Halka host and tries to get to Journey Star, the space ship that took the original colonists to Eridan and which is still in orbit around the planet…

Disturbed yet?

After a relatively promising beginning (disturbing-wise), “Journey Star” winds down and becomes progressively more slow-paced and frankly dragging. It also goes from dystopian pessimism to the cautious optimism characteristic of most Greer novels (even those involving apocalyptic events). The Halka are clearly idealized feudal lords who selflessly defend the Shelter population against external threats on condition that the peasants accept the Six Laws, who exist for the greater good of Eridan-kind. When the external threats are gone, the Halka manage to gradually abolish themselves thanks to new psychedelic revelations, rather than cling to power in the usual fashion of elite groups who outlived their usefulness. And while the Halka do “genocide” the cannibal Outrunners, those willing to turn away from eating tender human flesh are resettled in a different territory and left alone. Indeed, it´s strongly suggested that the Outrunner bands turned to cannibalism only under the influence of the evil symbionts. And in the end, even Carl Emmer´s worm-mind seems willing to redeem itself by refraining from blasting everyone sky high.

Maybe *this* is the disturbing message of “Journey Star”: not that everyone has darkness in their hearts, but rather that everyone means well and only makes bad choices due to limited information…which results in some really evil fallout. Emmer turns out to be a kind of utilitarian who wants to save Earth from runaway climate change, the cannibal Outrunners could be seen as a strange Native tribe desperately trying to survive (they have unique cultural traditions), and the early democracy on Eridan suggests that the humans who survived dying Earth were fundamentally good guys – and yet, their actions must have caused the climate crisis in the first place!

“Journey Star” ends with some of the main characters embarking on a newly arrived starship, Bright Circle, with the intention of visiting another human colony in the Sirius star system and then return to Earth, seeding its atmosphere according to the geoengineering formula discovered by the Directorate and later inherited by a renegade who joined the Insurgency. Also, two young women get the same man in a female-centered polygynous marriage. As I said, a happy ending. But ye have been warned: if the Eridan saga ever expands into a trilogy, the author has promised us a truly disturbing climax…

The way to hell is paved with good intentions.

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Washington Post dies in the dark


Some turbulence on our way down. 

The Washington Post (following the orders of its owner Jeff Bezos) recently refused to endorse Kamala Harris for president. In response, 200,000 readers already cancelled their subscriptions. Some writers resigned from the editorial board. And Bezos himself admits that old style media are struggling with increased competition from alt-media (or perhaps "alt" media, but you get the point). 

Part of me wonders if Bezos wants to kill off WaPo, for whatever weird tax-scheme reason. But a more likely explanation is (of course) that he has some bizniz going with the federal government and don´t want to lose his contracts if and when Trump wins the elections. Bezos himself claims that he wants to save the newspaper by making it look less biased...



Tales of the tall


A short but fascinating video on "Bigfoot" observations in Czarist Russia and the Soviet Union. Of course, these are the "almas" of cryptozoology fame. 

The clip tells the story of a Soviet geologist-cum-biologist who tried to find the almas in northern Russia during the 1970´s. He originally assumed that the creatures were regular animals, but later developed ideas that they were paranormal in nature. 

After getting bad advise from a psychic in Moscow, the intrepid explorer disappeared under mysterious circumstances in the Urals during one last expedition, his fate rumored to be a gruesome one (think cannibalistic orgies)...

Vladimir Pushkarev seems to have become part of the local folklore himself.  

The dawn horse


The whole world is a sacrifice. Deep or just crazy? Note also that the horse sacrifice, literal or yogic, "only" turns you into the creator-god (sic). If you want true enlightenment, you have to meditate on Brahman. Then, nothing will matter anymore and all suffering will cease. Which somehow is the perfection of all sacrifice... 

Apart from the above, here is a quote from the content-creator from the commentary section of another video: 

>>>Death or Virāṭ is God within the material universe— Prajāpati the first progenitor, and the ultimate enjoyer, consumer, destroyer and eater of everything: Viṣṇu, the all-pervading master and proprietor of everything, since only one who can destroy something truly owns and controls it. >>>You mistakenly think this is ‘gruesome’ because you are identified with the gross material body, made of meat or food. Actually, identification with Virāṭ is the highest state of being in the universe, the most powerful result of meditation and Vaidik sacrifice. Of course we have to sacrifice the material body to Death—Death sacrifices himself as the Aśva horse in the Arka fire so that everyone can live; and everyone has to die anyway, so one may as well die in such a way as to attain the highest result.


The advent of the beavers


Do beavers have daylight savings time?  This question is never answered in this curious video, which argues that beavers (yes, the fluffy rodents) keep the Jewish Sabbath day?! 

This has supposedly been scientifically proven. Scientists all over the beaver-inhabited world marvel at the fact that these hard-working Rodentia stop their activities at Friday evening and keep their peace until Sunday morning, roughly corresponding to the Biblical Sabbath. Apparently, honeybees also stop working on Saturdays.

Eh, wut?

Sources please! The provenance of the video might perhaps explain a thing or two. It´s apparently uploaded by a Seventh Day Adventist. The SDA Church keeps the Sabbath on Saturdays, in contrast to most Christians, who argue that Sunday became the new Sabbath when Jesus was resurrected on that particular day. Thus, the argument is that the original Sabbath must be the true and eternal one, since even Nature itself still follows it.

It seems even the person or persons who uploaded the video aren´t entirely convinced, since in the commentary section, they argues that the beavers mentioned are just one specific colony rather than the entire species. Which the video explicitly does *not* say - it claims that all Castor are Sabbath-keepers. Besides, the claim that only one unique beaver colony follows God´s injunctions would be equally sensational!

I suppose this gives an entirely new meaning to the term "natural theology". I´m at loss for words. Yeah, really.      

On a planet alien


- I´m not an alien, I´m the American Eagle. I left Earth after the 2024 elections, couldn´t stand those guys anymore!

- Yeah, whatever, I´m late for my 9 to 5 job at the ice melting factory... 

Everything is demonic


Kind of fits the Halloween season, but perhaps for the wrong reasons? Christian fundamentalist podcaster Doreen Virtue strikes again, arguing that essentially everything is demonic. Numerology, astrology, the book "Jesus Calling", you get the drift.

This includes "the angel numbers", which were invented by Virtue herself (or by her demons?) during the former´s New Age period. The mystery numbers are still used by many people, including pop star Katy Perry, something that worries the born again podcaster. 

Personally, I just consider this kind of content deeply frustrating, but for some reason, I can´t help consuming it now and then anyway...

Monday, October 28, 2024

Dawn of the aliens


"Aliens - striden om utomjordingarna" is a new series produced by SVT, the Swedish public service TV broadcaster. Yes, it´s another series about UFOs and aliens (or purported such). It´s obviously an attempt to compete with TV4´s popular "UFO-mysteriet", reviewed elsewhere on this blog. Only one episode of "Aliens" have been shown so far, and I have to admit that "UFO-mysteriet" is more fast paced and funny! That´s hardly surprising, since TV4´s series stars comic actor Felix Herngren, while SVT´s narrator is an ethnologist named Kalle Ström.  

Both productions feature Clas Svahn, president of UFO-Sverige, a fairly skeptical ufology organization, who dominates the reporting on UFOs in Swedish media. "Aliens" also follow groups of true believers. They seem to be a motley crew of New Age individuals, conspiracy theorists and people interested in alternative history. At one point, one of these groups travel to Bosnia to an "ancient pyramid" (which geologists claim is a natural formation) where they "feel the Energy" or whatever. 

With one exception (a supposed contactee-abductee), none of the alternative people come across as outright lunatics, but their epistemology is clearly different from that of Svahn and other skeptics, let alone scientists. "Intuition" and purely personal experiences or even faith are seen as obvious guides to reality. 

Last year´s "disclosure" in the United States energized the alternative scene in Sweden, with many hoping that they would finally be vindicated after decades, indeed, generations. Svahn was less impressed by the congressional hearings and even says explicitly at one point that he has no use for the true believers.

I assume the point of the series is to contrast the skeptics and the UFO faithful, and perhaps arrange some kind of confrontation between them, but at least in this first episode, the closest we come is a believer who accuses Svahn of knowing the truth but hiding it as the skeptic sneaks around the tables at a New Age fan event... 

Climate crunch time is here


"What me worry"

Two links to recent UN-related reports on climate change. Apparently, there will be some kind of UN climate conference in Baku next month. Since Azerbaijan is an authoritarian state, I don´t expect that many climate activist protesters in the street. Maybe they will be busy in DC against Trump, yes? But then, I don´t expect much action from the UN member-states either. I mean, what could that even *be* at this point?

Some key sections: 

>>>Echoing the UN chief’s longstanding appeals, WMO Deputy Secretary-General Ko Barrett told journalists that carbon dioxide (CO2) – one of the three main greenhouse gases, along with methane and nitrous oxide - is now accumulating in the atmosphere “faster than at any time experienced during human existence”. Because of the extremely long lifetime of CO2 in the atmosphere, “we are committed to rising temperatures for many, many years to come,” she added.

>>>Senior scientific officer at WMO, Oksana Tarasova, described last year’s wildfires in Canada as “absolutely dramatic” in terms of the amount of greenhouse gases produced. Today’s CO2 levels have not been seen “in the history of humanity”, she said. “The last time we see 400 parts per million of CO2 was three to five million years ago, and during that time, the temperature was three to four degrees warmer” and sea levels 10 to 20 metres higher.

>>>According to the report, the 1.5°C goal will be gone within a few years unless nations collectively commit to cut 42 per cent of annual greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and 57 per cent by 2035 in the next round of nationally determined contributions and back this up with rapid action.

>>>Without dramatic cuts to greenhouse gas emissions, the world could face an inevitable and catastrophic 3.1°C temperature rise, according to the report, which comes at a time when governments are failing to fully deliver on their promises.

So it´s crunch time, then. 

Greengas houses surged to new hights in 2023  

Climate crunch time is here

Spöken från det förflutna


Anta att den här icke-livmoderinnehavande personen avrättats efter det första övergreppet. Då hade ingenting av detta inträffat. Den här killen har alltså våldtagit kvinnor i 40 års tid, utan att "samhället" har lyckats stoppa honom! 

Kan man på något sätt stämma svenska staten för detta? I väntan på att galgen återinförs. Tänk om vissa människor faktiskt är obotliga...

Spökmannen gripen för våldtäkt - igen

Confirmed (LOL)


Swedish voters waiting for 2026

Donald Trump Jr just asked me to confirm my Republican voting status. LOL. 

Ahem, I live in Sweden, I´m a Swedish citizen, and so forth. But OK, I realize that strange e-mails come and go, especially in election time...

Ett PS om Nordkorea


Några korta artiklar om Nordkorea i "Dagens PS". Den första menar att de nordkoreanska soldaterna som skickas till fronten i Kursk-regionen eller Ukraina är dåligt tränade värnpliktiga och således kanonmat. Vilket tyvärr inte förvånar mig. 

De två andra verkar bekräfta att Nordkorea fjärmar sig från Kina till förmån för Ryssland. Vilket kanske kan få konsekvenser vid en senare tidpunkt, om och när de två stormakterna börjar bråka inbördes igen...

Nordkorea skickar tonåringar till ryska frontlinjen

Nordkorea svänger mot Ryssland - Kina ute i kylan?

Vill Kim Jong-un ha krig?



Jag stödjer som bekant Israels rätt att existera. Och försvara sig. Men...inte ens jag håller med om de här dumheterna. Alltså kravet att man inte ska kunna bli svensk medborgare om man inte erkänner Israels rätt att existera. 

Observera också att Teodorescu inte helt enkelt vill stoppa anti-israeliska muslimer från att bli medborgare med lite provokativa formuleringar i ansökningshandlingen, nej, det handlar om ett mer principiellt ställningstagande. Hon anser egentligen att *ingen* ska kunna vara medborgare i Sverige utan att "erkänna Israels rätt att existera". Att medborgarskap i ett land innefattar en lojalitetsförklaring till ett helt annat land torde vara unikt...och är givetvis en form av globalism.

Judar brukar ju bli anklagade för "dubbla lojaliteter". Här har vi alltså ett bisarrt exempel på en hedning som vill att *alla* ska ha dubbla lojaliteter till Israel?! Jag tror att anti-semiterna är väldigt glada nu...

Finns annars andra länder man skulle kunna kräva obligatorisk uppslutning bakom. Jag menar, vad sägs om Armenien?   



Fria Tider är alltså pro-ryska. Trots karolinen i sajtens "tidningshuvud". Så varför bryr *de* sig om huruvida Sverige försvaras i Baltikum eller i Norrland? I båda fallen kommer lede fi att vara Gårdarike, eller hur? Fast FT kanske är rädda för att Amerikatt tänker ockupera malmgruvorna i händelse av nytt nordiskt storkrig...   

"Norrland utan försvar i händelse av världskrig"

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Heinrich event


AMOC again. 

Have we reached a tipping point, beyond which the AMOC will slow down and disappear over a period over decades or 100 years, making northern Europe much *colder* than today? Temperatures in western Norway could drop by as much as 20 degrees centigrade! 

There are also estimates that a collapse of AMOC might adversely affect food security globally. Meanwhile, temperature in the rest of the world will continue rising, leading to a truly "global weirding".

Note also the cope at the end about the Paris Agreement blah-blah. Yeah, whatever.   

"We don´t consider it low probability anymore"

Too big to rig


There was a peculiar rumor back in 2016 that Hillary Clinton had a body double. Vox Day goes even further. After having claimed that there are six Bidens, he now says there is a fake Trump, as well! Or is Vox just trolling us?

I don´t rule anything out during crazy year 2024, but...naaah. Highly unlikely for a variety of reasons. One of them being Trump´s ego (the real Trump). Another being that both campaigns leak like sieves, so how likely is it that a doppelgänger could be kept secret for long?

On the other hand, I suppose a double could come in handy during the next assassination attempt...   

Fake Trump on Rogan

The giant sea monsters


So I watched the recent BBC documentary "Attenborough and the Giant Sea Monster" (also called "Attenborough and the Jurassic Sea Monster"). It´s about a *very* complex and dangerous excavation in Dorset, where a team of scientists (or perhaps daredevils) have found fossils of pliosaurs, mega-sized reptiles which dominated the marine ecosystem during the Jurassic period about 150 million years ago. Attenborough also interviews a stringe of rather curious characters who turn out to be paleontologists, analyzing the fossils with various top notch scanning technology.

The pliosaurs had the strongest bite of any animal known, a bite so strong that they could easily have bitten through a modern car. They had one extra eye at the top of the head and four large flippers (apparently a unique feature). These monstrous predators hunted their plesiosaur cousins and ichtyosaurs. One of the scientists interviewed says that a pliosaur was probably more formidable than a T-Rex!

As usual, I waxed philosophical when watching this, thinking of how it confirms the Buddha´s first noble truth: Everything is suffering. Eat or be eaten was the norm in the shallow, warm Jurassic seas 150 million years ago. It still is. 

When will this shit ever stop? 


Evidence for pantheism



The THOT election


THOT is (of course) a sexist meme. It means That Hoe Over There. Here are two women who try very hard to actually be...well...THOTs.

This is some kind of feminist nightmare! 

Monica Lewinsky suggests sex, coloring books against election anxiety

Ex-porn star Mia Khalifa still supports Hamas, etc

The progressive moment is over


Will mass immigration break up the Democratic Party coalition once and for all? Note that pro-Trump Breitbart News are quoting Democrat-leaning strategists.

The progressive moment is well and truly over   

A message from Metatron


Does this guy still have a job, I wonder? I didn´t watch to the end, but stuff like this can and have been misunderstood many times before in history.

The claim is that the border between the heavenly and the earthly realms is very thin during Halloween, which gives us a chance to communicate with the Metatron and other angelic intelligences "over the next 7 to 10 days". But since many people associate Halloween with demons rather than hallowed saints or angels, the entire ritual could be taken by some to be Satanic! 

Note also that the US presidential elections are "within the next 7 to 10 days"... 

Stoppa pressarna


- Ja, det är sant. Inget kött.
- Inte ens mjälla fjärilslarver?!
- Trodde insekter var klimatanpassade!

Kulturradikalerna stretar på. Edward Blom är inte nöjd. Håller med!  

Edward Blom i infekterat köttbråk med SVT

Genetisk vägledare


Vilken svada. Skrevs det här av AI? Och vad i all sin dar är en "genetisk vägledare"? 

Filosofisk hälsa

Cryptid Slovakia


The skull of a red-necked wallaby (another one)
Credit: Klaus Rassinger

It´s not a kangoroo, it´s a wallaby! Europe´s only marsupial strikes again...

Slovakia´s unlikely visitor survived the winter, but not the road 

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Selective breeding


Some committee in Finland may or may not propose that every woman under 30 who has her first child will get a 30,000 euro grant. Finland´s birth rate is apparently the lowest in Europe.

It won´t work, of course. Unless you want cannon fodder. Which I suppose some governments do want, who knows?

Now, imagine the same proposal, but part of a eugenic breeding program. Only White Finns need apply. Their health, muscular mass, genes and IQ are meticulously screened before they receive the 30,000 euros.

Can you imagine any Finnish politician voting for it? LOL. I can´t either. Even apart from the fact that the EU will boycott the shitty "fascist" little nation.

And even if carried out, it probably won´t work anyway.  

Geopolitical theater (pun intended)


So Joe Biden wouldn´t let Israel bomb Iran´s oil facilities or nuclear weapons program? Which makes the Israeli air strikes on Iranian targets meaningless. If they even hit them in the first place.  

But a "powerful message" has been sent, blah blah.




OK, sorry for my recent outbursts, LOL. Here is a conversation featuring Rupert Sheldrake about teleology in nature and the universe. Only listened to about half of it due to other engagements, but I suspect this approach might be...wrong. Too anthropomorphic and anthropocentric? Note also the explicitly "theist" (Christian) biases. Might return to it later. Or I might not!

Stuff the copium up your azz


A message to all privileged middle class bastards who constantly hector the rest of us about our "immoral carbon footprints" and claim "solutions exists"...

Stop your fucking coping. I´m not interested. There are no solutions, unless you want everyone to become a subsistence farmer. I have no such plans, and last time I looked, neither did you.

But perhaps you want us to become farmers, so you don´t have to?

Request denied. We might even expropriate your wind farms!  

Oh, just shut up


- Look, all the fake culture warriors are shouting
about "Merry Christmas" and "Happy Holidays" again!
- Yepp. 

A message to all conservative culture warriors who "defend Christmas". In Sweden (the most secularized nation in the world), the Christmas holidays are six non-consecutive days: December 24, 25, 26, 31 plus January 1 and 6. If you´re lucky, I suppose you could get the entire two weeks off. 

In the United States, only December 25 is a holiday. Barely.

Now, how many Republicans are willing to propose a two-week Christmas holiday? Eeeeexactly. So that´s how you´re "defending Christmas", then. I mean, do you even want people to have the day off on Christmas Day itself?! Somebody has to clean the floor after your think tank sullied it during some Christmas party with the donor class. And don´t even get me started on the commercialization of this birthday of Jesus...

As for the Dems...well, they clearly don´t want anyone to have the day off either. Would probably rather replace it with some Woke remembrance day, participation compulsory. Like in Soviet Russia.

So this year, I won´t be listening to any of you guys. I´m having my six non-consecutive days off, though! 



Vad fan menar subban? Att man får leva med lite våldtäkter? Part and parcel...

Klart att unga tjejer vill festa med Mbappé 

Friday, October 25, 2024



En cynisk kommentar. Så Dumpen fick problem när de försökte hjälpa pedofilerna, istället för att hänga ut dem på studs? Är det riktigt uppfattat?

Slutsatsen av detta blir ju...intressant. 

Next year in Theresienstadt


So George Soros is anti-Zionist? Hmmm.... 

A hypothesis


An interesting hypothesis, apparently from a CNN commentator. Pro-Trump Breitbart News has decided to highlight his claim that Trump may win the popular vote, but read the fine print! Here is the key paragraph: 

>>>He concluded, “On the flip side of that, a potentially good sign for Democrats is: Why is Donald Trump doing so well in the popular vote polls? You can dig down into the state-level polling, and you can see that Donald Trump is doing particularly well in California, Florida, New York and Texas. Of course, none of these states are really on the board at this point. 

>>>So Donald Trump may end up gaining in the national popular vote polls, but actually, he’s wasting votes, which could, in fact, lead to a case where Kamala Harris could sneak by in the electoral college by sweeping those Great Lake battleground states, which at this point, are way too close to call, John.”

Riots, anyone?


It just struck me that there is one Great Lake battleground state which Harris may end up losing: Michigan. This due to Jill Stein, Cornel West and - arguably - Kshama Sawant and her Trotskyist outfit Revolutionary Workers. Indeed, Sawant is explicitly campaigning to punish the Democrats for their "pro-Israeli" policy by making Harris lose Michigan to Trump! (Sawant´s group has endorsed Stein.) 

So here is a scenario: Trump wins the popular vote, Harris *almost* wins in the electoral college...but for Michigan, which goes to Trump due to potential Dem voters abstaining or supporting Stein instead. The political fall out would be *epic*. Sure hope Stein and Sawant have good security! The rift between the libs and the rad-libs will take *generations* to heal. 

Oh, and then there´s always the possibility of a Russian, Chinese or Deep State hack of the grid on election day, Trump being shot the day before, Trump being shot the day *after*, you know, that kind of thing.

I admit that I don´t feel particularly safe anymore. Not even relatively speaking.   

Donald Trump may win the popular vote...but lose anyway

October Surprise?


Not sure what to make of this, but the animosity between Jeff Bezos and Donald Trump is near-legendary, so either Trump has some dirt on the man (nude pics, say)...or Bezos is just the latest example of a big time capitalista who decided to jump ship. Or at least jump off the Democrat one. Zuckerberg might be another example. Musk turned long ago. 

If they can truly cope with The Donald remains to be seen, obviously.  

Washington Post will not endorse Kamala Harris

See also here:

Los Angeles Times editor resigns



Nyckelmening: "Länderna måste nu minska sina årliga utsläpp av växthusgaser med 42 procent till år 2030 och 57 procent till år 2035, enligt rapporten. Med grön energi och teknik är det tekniskt möjligt att nå 1,5-gradersmålet, enligt Unep."

Vilket det givetvis inte är. 

Finns det någon som *på fullt allvar* tror att FN:s medlemsstater kommer att minska sina utsläpp av växthusgaser med över hälften under tio års tid? Jag gör det alltså inte.   

Världen går mot tre graders uppvärmning

Generation Greta bildar parti?


Okej, vilken entristisk stalino-trotsko-anarko-fraktion ligger bakom det här, då? Fast en bättre fråga är kanske vilka fraktioner av nämnda typ som kommer att uppvakta dem? Eller bedriva entrism i deras partiorganisation...

Fast det vore väl en kupp om de lyckades rekrytera Greta Thunberg, förstås.  

Nytt vänsterparti utmanar V 

V är för höger - nu startar vi ett nytt parti

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Herd instinct


So I´ve been re-reading "Mere Christianity" by C S Lewis. I have to say that I find it even less convincing than when I read it the first two times...

So I suppose I´ll never be a mere Christian, then.  

Game changer


The details are still hazy, but something´s clearly up with North Korean troops in Russia. Which may have very serious geopolitical implications (apart from the obvious military ones). 

How will China balance the two Korean states if they end up fighting on different sides in Ukraine, one of those sides being Chinese allies?   

First North Korean troops deployed in Kursk region?

18 North Korean soldiers detained by Russia

Putin doesn´t deny reports of North Korean troops

What´s up with the Lorentz-Symmetry?


LOL. I don´t understand a word of this, but then, Sabine Hossenfelder herself is equally confused by the latest Theory of Everything...

Cray cray


Gadfly extraordinaire Edward Dutton tests the YouTube censors´ patience (and perhaps the AI algorithm) with this attack on Kamala Harris, only two weeks removed from the apocalypse...  

I disavow Zelensky


Why is daylight savings time still a thing?  

Zelensky won´t abolish daylight savings time

Kultureliten just nu

Kultureliten just nu: "Att som SD kräva att svenska staten med hjälp av Israel avrättar, AVRÄTTAR säger jag, Rawa Majid i Iran är heeeeelt oacceptabelt och oförenligt med rättsstatens PRINCIPER. Har vi inga PRINCIPER längre??? Men att utvisa den där jävla Koran-brännaren till Irak, där han riskerar avrättning för blasfemi, är helt okej. Det ÄR fan blasfemi också. Litar blint på Centerpartiet i denna fråga!"



Att arab-amerikaner och/eller muslimer i Michigan tänker rösta på Donald Trump måste vara det mest anmärkningsvärda fenomenet i den redan ytterst märkliga amerikanska valkampanjen. Jag gissar att det rör sig om medvetet trotsig proteströstning mot Harris och Biden-administrationen. En mer "rationell" protest är att lägga sin röst på Jill Stein, Green Partys kandidat som kampanjar särskilt hårt just i Michigan för att straffa Kamala Harris. 

Eller också har världen blivit galen. På fullt allvar. Amerikas judar röstar alltså demokratiskt, medan araberna röstar på Trump?! 

Lägg förresten märke till det förtäckta hotet i slutet av artikeln. 

I USA röstar araber på Donald Trump

England´s greatest spy


Some recent Thomas Sheridan substacks. I disavow, disavow, disavow...

Was Eamon de Valera a British agent?

The left´s psychedelic dogmatism

The skinning alive of Hypatia and the burden of the West

The Conformist Mind

Marxism and Jihad