The blog to end all blogs. Reviews and comments about all and everything. This blog is NOT affiliated with YouTube, Wikipedia, Copilot Designer or any commercial vendor! Links don´t imply endorsement. Many posts and comments are ironic. The blogger is not responsible for comments made by others. The languages used are English and Swedish. Content warning: Essentially everything.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
They killed al-Baghdadi again
It seems they killed ISIS terrorist leader (and Western liberal darling) Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi...again. Let´s hope he stays dead this time.
At a time like this, it´s important to remember that nobody is born a terrorist. Or maybe not.
Just kill the damn bastard. Full stop!
Peacock strut (not a serious posting)
"Stop complaining, my dear peacock, Charles Darwin may see you as an evolutionary anomaly, but Me, he denies altogether! The ridiculous English Charvaka!"
Infinite possibilities (serious posting)
Some stray
thoughts about religion and similar topics…
I used to
be a materialist for decades, but realized around 2005 that metaphysical materialism,
especially in a reductionist form, simply doesn´t make any sense. I think I “broke”
with materialism (as in “rage quit” – just kidding!) for three reasons.
First, I
came to the conclusion that I never *really* been a materialist in the first
place, my purported materialism really being a species of evolutionary and
teleological pantheism. I was never a Hegelian (I mean, who is?) but Hegel is
actually the best comparison I can come up with. I tried for a brief period to
be a real hardened materialism, but it mostly made me feel depressed!
Second, I realized
that science haven´t solved the mind-body problem, indeed it seems impossible
to solve even in principle if materialism is assumed. The books that influenced
me most were “The Mysterious Flame” by Colin McGinn and “The Mystery of Consciousness”
by John Searle. Ironically, both authors are materialists. I also studied
Alfred North Whitehead´s philosophy through the prism of David Ray Griffin.
Postulating dualism, panpsychism or a combination of both seems to have more explanatory
power than trying to reduce everything to brute matter.
Third, I
believed very strongly at the time in an objective morality. The only way to
explain and justify such moral principles seemed to be to assume that they were
eternal. But how can a non-material “thing” be eternal? The only explanation is
that it´s really a Platonic form. Perhaps a Platonic form in the mind of God…? I
think I may have been subconsciously influenced by C S Lewis here. This led me
to a kind of Deism or perhaps Theism-in-General, although I can´t say I was
particularly “religious”. In fact, I wasn´t religious at all (still am not),
rather, my Deism-Theism was a kind of philosophical position.
During a
period, I was relatively sympathetic to Christianity. It must have shown, since
I was sometimes mistaken for a Christian on Amazon! The reasons for my
pro-Christian sympathies were complex, and only a few will be mentioned here. First,
I had developed a strong aversion to pantheism and the idea of an impersonal
god. I think the reason is that pantheism (and panpsychism) strikes me as too
close to materialism, the “faith” I had abandoned. Christianity, by contrast,
has a personal god. Indeed, he is so personal that he has incarnated as a
human! Second, I had also developed an aversion to the idea that evil is either
an illusion or in some sense “good”. Interestingly, pantheists often make either
or both of these claims. Christianity isn´t entirely consistent in its view of
evil, but at least it doesn´t deny its existence. Third, I reacted against the
claim that the physical world is necessarily imperfect. This sounds absurd –
surely a perfect god should be able to create a perfect world? If he can´t,
he´s not perfect, and if he doesn´t although he can, *he* is the creator of
evil. Why worship such a god? In Christianity, the world and/or humanity and/or
human souls are seen as fallen from a previously perfect state. Pantheists
simply worship the fallen world…
there are also problems with Christianity. I´m almost tempted to say that the biggest
problem with it is the Bible! And I don´t mean Cain´s wife - the good book
actually *does* explain where she came from. (Yes, really.) What I perceived as
the biggest “Bible difficulty” has varied over the years, but currently, it´s
the cock sure predictions that Jesus would return during the lifetime of the
apostles. Which he obviously didn´t. Paul believed this, the authors of Mark
and Matthew believed it, too. The author of Luke and Acts didn´t, rewriting the
Olivet Discourse in the process. If we accept the usual date of Revelation,
another bout of imminent apocalypticism shook the Church under the reign of
Emperor Domitian.
None of this makes sense if you tentatively accept the Christian position on things. Jesus supposedly remained on Earth for 40 days after his resurrection, teaching the apostles. Why did they misunderstand his teaching about the Second Coming? Then, he sent the Holy Ghost to lead the apostles. Once again, why didn´t the Spirit tell them that “one thousand years is like one day to the Lord” until generations later? Was Christianity a failed apocalyptic sect? Or did the disciples completely misunderstand the message of the Christ? Perhaps they did, but if so, the veracity of the New Testament can be questioned, these scriptures simply being the work of humans, although perhaps highly spiritual ones.
None of this makes sense if you tentatively accept the Christian position on things. Jesus supposedly remained on Earth for 40 days after his resurrection, teaching the apostles. Why did they misunderstand his teaching about the Second Coming? Then, he sent the Holy Ghost to lead the apostles. Once again, why didn´t the Spirit tell them that “one thousand years is like one day to the Lord” until generations later? Was Christianity a failed apocalyptic sect? Or did the disciples completely misunderstand the message of the Christ? Perhaps they did, but if so, the veracity of the New Testament can be questioned, these scriptures simply being the work of humans, although perhaps highly spiritual ones.
At the
moment, I´m not sure where I stand on these issues. Except that I´m not a materialist, and probably not a pantheist sensu stricto. But then, in a way this opens up infinite possibilities…
Titta vem som intervjuar Proletären
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Chang Frick i ivrigt samspråk med Proletärens redaktör |
"Gretahajpen är sjuk"
En intervju med tidningen Proletärens nye chefredaktör, gjord av högersajten Nyheter Idag.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The burning times
Pachamama and Greta Thunberg must unite and destroy Brasilia in Bronze Age fire, metropolis of evil modernist Bolsonaro who is attacking sacred Amazon forest. Facebook must be FORCED to publish this message! RT if you agree.
Take the oil, take the oil
I wonder what the libertarian and Alt Lite isolationists are saying now? After wallowing in Trump´s betrayal of the Kurds for two weeks, it recently got out that the God-Emperor...well, isn´t really going anywhere. US troops will stay in Syria to protect the oil fields!
You know, oil, that black substance that keeps our great and glorious capitalist civilization alive and sort of kicking? We still need it, you know.
Unless the libertariantards want to buy their oil from Canada´s recently re-elected liberal government, headed by Fidel Castro´s unknown love child Justin Trudeau.
Well, I wouldn´t complain...
Led astray by kundalini
“Vilseledd av en falsk ängel” by Louise Marianne Johansdotter is a very peculiar book, published by the Swedish New Age press Siljans Måsar. The author´s name is a pseudonym. In translation, the Swedish title means “Led astray by a false angel”. Johansdotter is clearly a New Age believer and has chosen to interpret her frightening experiences in that light. Usually, books of this type end with the author calling on the name of Jesus and converting to Christianity. Johansdotter chose to stay within the New Age fold.
To make a
long story somewhat shorter, the author was a dabbler in things “metaphysical”,
including telepathic contact with animals and channeling of spirit-guides. The
latter proved her undoing, when an entity claiming to be the archangel Michael
and always referred to as “St Michel” (in French) came through. Johansdotter
soon began to experience delusions of grandeur, as St Michel promised her fame,
fortune, success in love, and some kind of prophetic status. Sounds familiar? She
would solve the Palme murder, among other things, and the truth was supposedly hidden
in a house in Albania…or was it Iran? St Michel also turned her into a
world-class exorcist and ghost hunter…but it seems the ghosts always remained
after she had tried to exorcise them (if you don´t believe in ghosts, we are dealing
with multiple levels of delusion here). The bad experiences started after the
author had began to use a pendulum for purposes of divination and channeling.
Somehow, this enabled St Michel to get control of her.
Johansdotter isolated herself completely from her friends and family, and one
lone night in her house experienced what she claims to be an experience of
rising kundalini. It felt like being literally burnt from inside out. Luckily,
a friend had spare keys to her house and entered it, only to find the would-be
prophetess in a state of complete exhaustion and panic. The author ended up in
the mental asylum, not once but several times, and didn´t recover fully until a
New Age exorcist somehow liberated her from “Michael”. Apparently, she was
possessed by three demons! What makes the story so peculiar is, as already
noticed, that Johansdotter never became a Christian, nor did it ever struck her
to interpret her ordeal in secular terms. This no doubt explains why her work
is published by a metaphysical press.
There are clinical
names for these kinds of experiences. They are “schizophrenia” and “psychotic
break”. In plain English, Louise Marianne Johansdotter was never led astray by
a false angel at all. She was simply barking mad! But sure, I suppose you could
always claim that the madness was ultimately caused by three demons with nothing
else to do except annoying little old ladies in tennis shoes (and with
On a
positive note, the book lacks the typical attempts by New Age believers to
couch everything in “cosmic” terms as a “karmic learning experience” and
therefore “ultimately good”, etc. It´s a rather straightforward story, with the
author warning people to stay away from certain dangerous spiritual practices.
That being said, Louise Marianne Johansdotter does feel near invulnerable after
her bizarre experiences, which I suppose is a good outcome in a sense.
A demonic entity
“The Entity”
is a scary documentary about the phenomenon known as sleep paralysis. Or
perhaps the phenomena thought to be caused by sleep paralysis! The traditional
explanation is that demons are attacking people in their sleep. The legends
about incubi, succubi, the Old Hag and similar malevolent creatures are based
on these frightening nocturnal experiences. (In Sweden, the Entity is known as “mara”).
One woman
interviewed has been under constant attack by the Entity since she was a child.
A man interviewed wonders why his brother had the same experiences of nightly
terrors while sleeping in the man´s bedroom, but not after moving out. Could
the explanation be more than just sleep paralysis? Or is the paralysis induced
by something objective in the environment? There is also an interview with a
person who exhibits an extreme form of sleep walking and memory loss, making
the whole episode look like demonic possession!
speaking of possession, “The Entity” follows a Catholic exorcist who is
convinced that the phenomenon is indeed of the Devil. In the commentary section
on YouTube, many people claim that the nightly tremors can be made to seize by
simply calling on the name of Jesus. On the island of Pemba close to Zanzibar,
the locals (who are Muslim) protect themselves against a nocturnal
demon-attacker by talismans inscribed with the name of Allah…
One scholar
shown in the documentary is David Hufford, author of an anthropological survey
of Old Hag traditions, “The Terror That Comes in the Night”. Hufford experienced
demonic attacks (or whatever they are) as a young man, and was surprised to
learn years later during a field trip to Newfoundland that the people there had
traditions about similar experiences. Interestingly, Hufford doesn´t believe
that sleep paralysis can account for all reported cases – the experiences are
just too varied.
Not for the
faint of heart, and hardly as fun as Halloween, but nevertheless relatively interesting.
In fact, I was surprised that a documentary about this strange topic even
American paganism in the making?
Sheridan is an Irish occultist with “pagan” tendencies active on YouTube. I
sometimes link to his (saner) content, but much of the rest is very bizarre and
on the Alt-Right side of things (although I suppose it *could* be trolling,
Sheridan claiming to be a “chaos magician” when he discusses politics). This documentary
about H P Lovecraft (1890-1937) is relatively interesting. Strictly speaking,
it´s not really a documentary, but a long lecture set to pictures and creepy
Lovecraft hardly
needs a closer introduction, but if you must know, he was the American horror
writer who invented the so-called Cthulhu Mythos, according to which the
universe is dominated by powerful ancient intelligences (sometimes known as the
Eldritch or the Old Ones) which are utterly indifferent to the fate of
humanity. They might even be threatening, seeing this world as theirs for the
keeping. A mysterious scripture known as the “Necronomicon” plays an important
role in Lovecraft´s stories. Standard accounts claim that Lovecraft was really
an atheist and a materialist, and that his monsters are therefore symbols of
the vastness and utter indifference of empty space. In some cases, they also
represent fear of racial mixing or hereditary degeneracy. “Necronomicon” is of
course a product of the author´s imagination, nothing more.
many occultists and Satanists *want* the Cthulhu Mythos to be real, a good
example being the existence of several fake editions of the “Necronomicon”, of
which the “Simon Necronomicon” is the most widespread. The entire mythos has
also been turned on its head (or perhaps put on its feet!) by John Michael
Greer, a fantasy writer with Neo-Druid connections, whose “The Weird of Hali”
series claims that the Great Old Ones are really the good guys. I reviewed
several volumes of his saga here on my blog – it´s actually quite interesting. By
contrast, Sheridan clearly wants the Mythos to remain on the darker side of
things, but his case for its authenticity is perhaps more sophisticated than
that of the local Satanist basic bitches. Sheridan doesn´t deny outright that
Lovecraft was an atheist-materialist. Rather, he believes that the author
nevertheless knew the truth (the real occult truth) about the universe, but
recoiled in sheer horror from it, adopting hard-line atheism as a kind of psychological
defense mechanism. Since Lovecraft couldn´t entirely suppress what he knew, he wrote
“horror fiction” freely based on the ancient lore… In the same way, Harry Houdini
chased fake mediums as a way of coping with the insight that the world of the
fairy and the paranormal was actually very real indeed. Houdini was a friend of
Lovecraft´s, and the stage magician was also on a first name basis with Arthur
Conan Doyle during the latter´s “Spiritualist” period. Houdini and Doyle went
separate ways after Houdini started attacking paranormal beliefs.
I don´t
know what modern Lovecraft or Houdini scholars would think of this (although I
could venture a few guesses), but it seems to be a fact that many admirers of H
P Lovecraft consider his works to be simply *too good* to have been written by
an absolute skeptic. Unless I´m mistaken, Sheridan doesn´t consider the pagan
gods to be literally real – rather, they are anthropomorphic representations of
certain archetypal energies. It´s not even clear to me whether these archetypes
actually exist “out there” or only “in here”, in our own minds. The gods of the
Cthulhu Mythos could be seen as such archetypes, and Sheridan clearly hopes
that the Mythos will one day become the basis of a homespun American pagan-occult
tradition. He points out that most characters in Lovecraft´s stories aren´t
literally killed by the Ancient Ones or their minions. Rather, they self-annihilate
since the existence of the Old Ones prove that the universe is of such a nature
that they simply can´t cope with it anymore. The Eldritch creatures themselves
are in many cases almost oblivious to their presence. They view us the same way
we view animals we for some reason cannot use – with utter and pitiless
indifference, but not necessarily with hatred or spite. Thus, they are not
strictly speaking “evil”. What if humans use the Old Ones instead, or rather
work with them? To Sheridan, this could make humans “gods”, making the entire
Biblical idea of God completely irrelevant (Sheridan is very explicitly anti-Christian
and anti-Judaic). The narrator is particularly intrigued by “Shadow over
Innsmouth”, viewing it as a virtual initiation drama. He says very little about
“Liber Providence:
The Real Necronomicon” is probably not very interesting if lovely crafted horror
just isn´t your cup of tea (or hemlock), but if you are into this kind of
material, it might be worth taking a look or two at it.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
My worldview this week
"The Tathagata uses countless of skillful means to enlighten countless upon countless of sentient beings of their indwelling Buddha-nature...but surely, My Lord, don´t you think Full Posadism, Anarcho-Bordigism, Israel Only Full Preterism and Swedish Social Democracy is taking this whole Lotus Sutra thing a *little* bit too far?"
In other news, Operation Yellowhammer is proceding according to plan. Impact in 8 days!
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Äntligen en glad nyhet
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Credit: Jiròni Picas |
Från Aftonbladet. Lägg märke till piken mot den privilegierade "vänster" som kräver "HBT-certifiering" av arbetarklassen!
Gula västarna är gröna
Gula västarna är gröna
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Hue and cry over the Turkish invasion
Our dear leaders (and their media pundit hangers-on) are very worried about ISIS terrorists escaping from the Kurdish prisons in northern Syria and somehow getting back to Europe.
It was no problem last time around. When ISIS actually attacked civilian targets in Europe, our leaders and their media pundit hangers-on bravely told us to do...nothing. Cuz Islamophobia. Or something.
They also told us to give welfare payments and jobs to returning ISIS "fighters". So why are they suddenly so afraid now?
Note also that these people really want to overthrow Assad in favor of Al-Qaeda (i.e. an organization only slightly more civilized than ISIS). Their support for a Communist Kurdish guerilla in northern Syria feels a bit forced...
Also, our dear leaders and pundits are very angry at Erdogan for threatening to send 3 million refugees to the European Union. But why is *that* suddenly a problem? They didn´t have any trouble giving asylum to the 3 million Erdogan, Iran and Afghanistan sent five years ago!
I think I know what´s really going on here. Look at the pic above and draw your own conclusions. Clue: Yes, they simply want to embarass Donald Trump, neither more nor less.
The world they really want is a open border dystopia with terrorists killing our children, lower taxes for the rich and the corporations, "green austerity" and higher taxes for the rest of us, and a caliphate in Syria living off American blood money.
I´ve seen through your filthy lies, dear leaders and pundits, and if you think I´m going to vote for any of your false candidates in any future election...think again!
Hell, I might even riot.
Clown World goes to Kurdistan
I happen to think that US troops should stay in northern Syria. But then, I´m not a revolutionary hard leftist of the anarcho-Antifa type.
So how do *they* justify the cooperation between the SDF and the US military? Isn´t there something positively *weird* about a Soviet republic defended by Donald Trump´s troops? Clown World indeed...
Perhaps the Antifas will sleep better if and when the SDF Murray Bookchin Brigade will unite its forces with Bashar Assad and the Hizbollah. Then the Kurds will once again be firmly in the anti-imperialist camp.
Order restored.
Perhaps they owe Orange Man some thanks.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Starship Troopers
The Chuvash language (spoken in Chuvashia, a "republic" within the Russian Federation) is fascinating. I almost fell from my chair when I heard this clip for the first time, screaming something incoherent about Pan-Turanianism being true. LOL!
Seriously, though, to an outsider Chuvash does sound like a mixture of Turkish and Finnish, although the presently accepted theory is that it´s an Oghuz Turkic language later influenced by the Uralic-speaking neighbours of the Chuvash people.
Well, at least we finally found the origins of that Turko-Finnish starship trooper mentioned in one of Heinlein´s classical novels. So he was Chuvash all this time...
Seriously, though, to an outsider Chuvash does sound like a mixture of Turkish and Finnish, although the presently accepted theory is that it´s an Oghuz Turkic language later influenced by the Uralic-speaking neighbours of the Chuvash people.
Well, at least we finally found the origins of that Turko-Finnish starship trooper mentioned in one of Heinlein´s classical novels. So he was Chuvash all this time...
The Fourth Turning of the Dharma
Tulsi Gabbard is KALKI AVATARA, tenth incarnation of the Lord Bhagawan Vishnu! Kalki is not man on white horse, but SCYTHIAN AMAZON riding hammerhead shark off Hawaiian coast!
Zombie Shillary doesn´t know what she is up against, she might be WITCH QUEEN OF NARNIA but nothing can stop the Fourth Turning of Bhagawan!
Come at me, Shillary, tweet at me!
A Swedish mystic
“Mäster Fritz. En svensk mystiker” (or “Mäster Fritz.” with a dot at the end) is a peculiar work by Åke Åredal, of whom relatively little is known. The book is only available in Swedish. I honestly don´t know how to review it without sounding unnecessarily harsh on both the author and his chosen topic, but the tome *is* very, very strange.
claims to have discovered a spiritual master, a certain Master Fritz (Mäster
Fritz in Swedish). His real name was Fritz Olofsson. He was born in 1929 and
died in 2008. Åredal hardly met him and spoke to him over the phone only once.
Thus, the book is based on reminiscences of Fritz by other people. He also exegetes
Fritz Olofsson´s only book, “En mystik troslära” at some length. Clearly,
Åredal was touched by Master Fritz, but even his sympathetic portrait of the
man and his work cannot hide the fact that Olofsson was – by all standard
metrics – completely insane.
was probably heavily autistic. He had very little social life, spent most of his
waking hours procuring and reading rare books on mysticism, walked in a weird
way oblivious to the outside world, and constantly showed up at public
examinations of doctoral candidates in Uppsala, where he pestered all and
sundry by long-winding interventions about mysticism. The Uppsala university library
eventually banned him from borrowing any more books (he borrowed too many) and
the local vendors didn´t like him either, since he insisted on reading every
magazine at the newsstand without paying for it. It seems he even read soft
porn mags, and had a childish infatuation with “The Phantom”. Olofsson was
completely incapable of taking care of himself, including basic things such as
washing, grooming or ironing shirts. According to Åredal, Master Fritz lived in
a permanent “mystical state” since around the age of 30. I don´t rule out
anything, but alternative explanations do come to mind, including some kind of
kundalini-like psychotic break (compare U G Krishnamurti). His constant
repetitions of mantras as he was walking around doesn´t sound very sane either,
and even Åredal at one point wonders whether the Master may have used his vast
knowledge of mysticism as a kind of coping mechanism from an uncomprehending
and cold world…
I never
read “En mystik troslära”, but judging from Åredal´s extensive exegesis of the
volume, Master Fritz was a rather typical impersonalist mystic. In India, he
would be considered a follower of Shankara and Advaita Vedanta. Nominally,
Fritz was a Christian, indeed, he was technically speaking an ordained priest
in the Church of Sweden, but was incapable of actually functioning as such
except for very brief periods. His Bible interpretation was extremely
allegorical, and seems to have virtually no connection at all to any Christian
tradition. The goal of the mystic is to realize his oneness with “God” (or “It”
or “The All”), the true meaning of the famous phrase “I am who I am”. Once realizing
this, the mystic doesn´t have to leave the world. He can stay within it, since
he knows that all is God. Evil is an illusion, and so is isolation from God.
Suffering comes about when we don´t realize that we´re constantly in God. Indeed,
suffering is a necessary purification of the soul on its way back to
God-realization. God creates in two phases. The “exhalation” phase creates the
material world, the “inhalation” phase reunites everything and everyone with
God. It is this process of reuniting which causes friction, suffering and “evil”.
I readily admit that I don´t vibrate with this kind of message at all… Apart
from the usual stuff, Fritz Olofsson also expounded at length at the meaning of
certain mystical (?) symbols, including a grid of nine points and a curiously shaped
cross adorning the church tower of his native village. This is the reason, I
think, why the author chose to call his book “Mäster Fritz.” with the dot (point) at
the end.
Olofsson´s impact on Church life and theology in Sweden was virtually
non-existent. He had certain contacts with Hans Hof, a mystic and Swedish
priest influenced by Zen Buddhism. He was also a member of the Fellowship of St Alban and St
Sergius, an Orthodox-dominated group promoting dialogue between
Eastern Orthodoxy and the Protestant churches. Åke Åredal seems to be one of
the few people who were seriously influenced by the old eccentric. While Åredal
is probably a Christian, his book is distributed by the Theosophical Society
Adyar and published by a small New Age press called Siljans Måsar. They have
published several other books on the “autistic and mentally handicapped people
are really deeply spiritual” theme. (I admit that I don´t like it.) One problem
with “Mäster Fritz.” is that Åredal frequently inserts his own interpretations
of Olofsson´s message at various points in the work. It´s not always obvious
when the Master ends and the Disciple begins. The book is also written in a
weirdly pedantic style and could have needed better editing.
I´m not
sure how to rate this curious work, but had this been an Amazon review, I would
probably give it three stars for the contents but only two stars for the style.
Down and out at Aftonbladets redaktion
En bisarr artikel i Aftonbladet som starkt insinuerar att Tulsi Gabbard (en vänsterliberal demokrat) i själva verket är en agent för Ryssland som stöds av högerextremister. Har Aftonbladet totalt tappat det, eller vad?
Hillary Clinton attackerar Tulsi Gabbard
Friday, October 18, 2019
Wait a sec, I assumed the Druids were the GOOD guys
I promised to link to John Michael Greer´s Satanically eco-fascist evil evilly evilly denials of the climate emergency, so heeeere goes...
Heating Up the Political Climate
Excellent, my young apprentice
I never heard of Peter Handtke before the Swedish Academy (what´s left of it) decided to award him the Nobel literature prize, but apparently the man is universally regarded as an apologist for genocide and other war crimes during the Bosnian war, and a hero of the "Alt Right" to boot.
This way, the Swedish Academy will *completely* destroy its reputation. First the rape scandals around Whatever His Name Was and now this.
Excellent, my young apprentice, excellent!
I know that the Peace Prize has nothing to do with the poor Academy, but it is richly ironic (and somewhat iconic) that Handtke gets a Nobel medal while Greta Thunberg didn´t.
Where da pop corn at?
Alt Right,
Greta Thunberg,
Climate emergency
A racially integrated crowd of working class people attack the well-dressed middle class "anarchists" from Extinction Rebellion (XR). The riot took place in London. Scenes like this will repeat themselves over and over again during the coming decades. Or did you seriously think the proletariat would support higher gasoline taxes? LOL.
Next week, I expect the Antifas to attack the office of some copper mining, wait, we need more copper for those electric cars, naah, off to annoy the proles again, I suppose!
I´m pretty sure XR don´t support Brexit either.
Alternativhöger på frammarsch: först tog de över Svenska Akademin, och nu detta!
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Assad tackar Expressens chefredaktör för stödet |
Assad är den ende som kan skapa fred i Syrien
En oerhört anmärkningsvärd artikel, och dessutom i Expressen av alla tidningar! Har Expressen tagits över av alternativhögern? Först kritik av invandringspolitiken, och nu stöd till Baath-regimen i Damaskus. Vänsterns och arbetarrörelsens flaggskepp Aftonbladet vill däremot att USA ska fortsätta íntervenera (helst så blodigt som möjligt) i Mellersta Östern. Upp-och-ned-vända världen, eller vad?
PS. Det här inlägget kanske är *lite* ironiskt...
We wuz kangz, we wuz Vy-kangz
The first human inhabitants of Scandinavia after the end of the so-called last Ice Age, apparently looked nothing like Conan the Barbarian or the gorgeous blonde on the cover of "Winter of the World".
No, they were apparently Black and blue-eyed?! Another group came from the East and were probably some kind of proto-Lapid paleo-Uralics.
Or not, since today, these groups are extinct, leaving but little trace in our genome. They were presumably replaced, first by Neolithic farmers originally from the Middle East and then by the White, based and Conan-like Indo-Europeans.
So I suppose the Alt Right can sleep well tonight. Don´t worry, your ancestors weren´t niggaz…
Still, it *is* funny that the Afro-centrists have been proven right for once!
The mysterious origins of the first Scandinavians
The tree of life
Two articles with very different perspectives on whether the massive planting of trees can solve the problem of climate change.
We can´t just plant billions of trees to stop climate change
The most effective way to tackle climate change? Plant 1 trillion trees
Funny how the science isn´t settled on this particular issue...
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
The traitor must die
Credit: April Brady/POMED |
Khashoggi: Asset of Qatar
I´m late to this story, but it seems Khashoggi wasn´t a brave independent journalist, but rather an agent working for Qatar, Turkey and the Muslim Brotherhood to undermine Saudi Arabia. Which may or may not be a good thing, depending on how you like your Mideast power-struggle. Red hot or medium rare? The propaganda liberals are momentarily anti-Saudi (since Donald Trump sells them weapons - like he´s the only POTUS to have done so), which explains why they lionized Khashoggi. It was simply a convenient way to embarass Trump. Perhaps this week Turkey are the bad boys instead, so don´t expect any new paeans to this great liberal hero any time soon…
Friday, October 11, 2019
Is there peace in Ethiopia?
Greta Thunberg didn´t get the Nobel Peace Prize. Apparently, signalling Western support for the Saudi-backed expansionist ambitions of Ethiopia (and the privatizations of their telecom industry) proved more important than selling more electric cars to rich consumers…
I assumed Elon Musk had the Ethiopian market covered…?
But then, I don´t think Greta´s fans *really* want her to share a prize with Henry Kissinger, Menachem Begin and the European Union, so perhaps it was for the best.
Maybe next year…
Unite behind the science
During the 1970´s, many climate scientists believed that a new Ice Age was imminent. The theory was expounded upon in this semi-official documentary, narrated by Leonard Nimoy (Spock in "Star Trek").
It seems the science wasn´t yet settled in 1978...
Ireland has spoken, the matter is settled
A lot of ground covered in this YouTube clip, from Big Bang and multiverses to climate change denial and the nature of science. For discussion purposes.
Big Green and the Class System
An interesting criticism of the "greening" of capitalism, by occultist Thomas Sheridan (who incidentally doesn´t seem to be particularly left-wing). For discussion purposes.
Sunday, October 6, 2019
My worldview this week
This week, my worldview is a curious blend of Pseudo-Neoplatonism and Pseudo-Gnosticism. Next week, who knows? Just to keep you posted...
Äntligen ska antiken bort från läroplanen, inte en sekund för tidigt om du frågar mig. Vad fan är det för viktigt med antiken, egentligen? Vad är det svenska skolbarn missar?
Att Hadrianus satte på en kille och sedan upphöjde honom till gud med ett eget tempel vid Nilen? Att Heliogabalus spelade påfågel med en stor jävla fjäder i röven? Att Caligula utnämnde en häst till senator, eller fucking vad?
Lägg därtill slaveri i massiv skala, barbarer, judeutrotningar, totalt vansinniga kosmologiska spekulationer, ständiga förföljelser av filosofer, spådomskonst av vidskepligaste sort, och alla sorters hedniska skändligheter, nej, det är bra att detta nu försvinner från grundskolan och förhoppningsvis ersätts av något viktigare.
Exempelvis alfabetet, matematik, astronomi, demokrati, republikanism, biologi, botanik, kristendomskunskap och annat som vi alla vet inte har något med antiken att göra, utan uppfanns circa år 1973.
Alea jacta est, jag har talat.
Beware of the Zeta Reticuli
Some people are still waiting for "disclosure" and an alien apocalypse, wtf, can´t they just admit that Roswell was a fucking weather balloon and go home?
Take up permaculture or something...
Världen går under 2050
Vår civilisation riskerar att gå under 2050 enligt en australisk rapport. Den kommer att gå under ännu snabbare om vi verkligen går över till "nollutsläpp", vilket är omöjligt, men säg inget till Expressen. Just häri ligger problemet, ett problem som ingen vill erkänna, och jag tänker inte heller diskutera det på den här bloggen. Det är alltför "baserat" och kontroversiellt...
2050: Civilisationens undergång
Lyn Marcus raves on
Not as good as I expected, but here goes. LaRouche PAC has admitted that this was one of their activists trolling leftist Congresswoman AOC. In other words, not "Trump supporters", but the crankiest cult in America. Lyndon LaRouche is dead, but it seems the show continues...
Gotta love the cliff hanger
John Michael Greer on peak oil and related predicaments. Note the honest self-criticism! Also, note the dramatic cliff hanger at the end. I´ve been reliably informed by excellent sources that the next episode is due to be aired on Wednesday in two weeks...
Waiting for the next panic
Here´s a quote: "Anthropogenic climate change is a real and serious issue, and it’s being used to manipulate the public on behalf of some extremely dubious political and economic interests. It fascinates me that so few people seem to be able to hold these two ideas in their minds at the same time."
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Greta speaks truth to power
Amazon is tropical Urheimat of Aryan race, race-traitor Bolsonaro refuses to save it from modernist destruction, disciples of the Canudos Bronze Age Fire, you know what to do!
Brasilia, perfidious capital of Positivist Modernity and Satanist Druidry of Kardec, built by Czech Gypsy mongrel, MUST BURN IN RETRIBUTION.
Greta, the new Conan of the barbarian dispensation, must RT this tweet!
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