Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Progress of this Apocalypse

It's not a secret that my views on the apocalypse have been shaped by reading John Michael Greer.

There is one prediction in human history that has *always* turned out to be wrong: the idea that the end of the world is soon upon us, ushering in either utopia, dystopia or a suitable combination of both.

So why is it so common?

At least in modern times, I think the explanation is its peculiar alliance with a seemingly opposite notion: the Western idea of Progress. There are of course hard line optimists who don't believe in any apocalypse at all, just as there are perennial pessimists who believe that everything will just get worse and worse until Jesus finally saves the faithful remnant. Often, however, the two ideas seem to co-habit rather nicely with each other.

Apocalypse is what will supposedly happen if there is no Progress. Or Progress might come through Apocalypse. Or both - as in Marxism. Even people who oppose Progress accept the symbiosis. To them, Progress itself is the Apocalypse. One thing that long baffled me, however, is the popularity of secular apocalyptic narratives with no happy ending. I think I just realized how at least one type of such reasoning works.

Why is the idea of gradual decline often more controversial than the seemingly more crazy idea of Apocalypse? Obviously because a long decline challenges the Western monomyth of Progress. It shows that there is nothing special about modern civilization. Like all other civilizations in human history it's born, lives and dies. And whatever replaces it cannot (by definition) be better. This is why people who lose faith in Progress so seamlessly transition into doomers. If modern civilization cannot have a unique life, let it at least have a unique death!

In reality, the "end of the world" is really a metaphor for the end of a very specific political-economic regime: the globalist system which isn't older than the 1990's. Note also the curious fact that the end will come around 2030, which corresponds roughly to the time most Boomers will be dead! At the moment, climate change plays the role of Boomer-doomerism, at least in more sophisticated circles. The more pedestrian version casts a certain Donald J Trump in the role of Anti-Christ. That we are dealing with metaphors is also obvious from the fact that *other* crises aren't used in this fashion, such as the migrant crisis or Muslim fundamentalism.

But what if humanity will survive both climate change, Donald Trump, the death of the Boomer generation, the next pandemic, the next great depression or indeed Brexit? What if modern civilization itself will muddle through, badly bruised perhaps, but just enough to still be livable? And what if it manages to muddle through precisely because it rejects the virus of globo-liberalism?

Perhaps a swift death is preferable to the present propagandists than this...


  1. In other news, the Dems are *still* obsessing about QAnon. This is obviously projection, since the Dems claim that Trump is a fascist secretely working for Russia. I sense another blog post coming up...

  2. Dems 2020: crash the economy, bail out the rich together with Trump, start riots in 100 cities, blame Trump for QAnon. Sounds like a winning concept...

  3. For the record, I don't believe in Q, but if you bought into Russiagate maybe you should do some house-cleaning first...

  4. If Q is Darkness, does that make Russiagate the Light?

  5. What if Amerika survives QAnon?

  6. This year, I have reached levels of realization I scarcely thought were possible. Thank you, Corona-chan! Is there something she can't do?

  7. LRP-COFI and RCP literally in the same camp as Bill and Hillary Clinton, George W Bush, Deep State and "imperialist" China. If it's right to vote Biden in 2020, why was it wrong to support Eugene McCarthy, Jesse Jackson, Bernie Sanders in 2016? Or FDR...

  8. Or even Carter and Mondale against Reagan?

  9. Or Yeltsin against Zyuganov? Or Kostunica against Milosevic?

  10. Or "the other guy" against Putin?

  11. Jag tycket man borde stött McGovern mot Nixon 1972.

  12. QAnon försöker påverka olika rörelser mot övergrepp i barndomen men de verkar inte lyckas alls. I alla fall inte mer än MYCKET marginellt i dessa rörelsers utkanter.

  13. "Jag tycket man borde stött McGovern mot Nixon 1972." Felstavning - jag menade att skriva "jag tyckte". Dvs jag tyckte det redan då. Var sympatisör till RMF, men tyckte att SWP borde uppmanat till röstning på McGovern istället för att ställa upp själva. Orsaken till denna åsikt var nog att jag innerst inne såg Vietnam som den helt avgörande frågan i världen. Och att allt borde underordnas den tills FNL hade segrat. Jag var utesluten ur DFFG, men verkade ändå ha något som liknade deras brännpunktsteori.... Faktum är att jag även idag tycker att man borde ha röstat på McGovern då. .

  14. Det finns en viss logik i din ståndpunkt, dock inte i LRP:s, såvida de inte faktiskt löper linan ut. Men då måste de ge upp en strikt tolkning av t.ex permanenta revolutionen. Jag misstänker att deras stöd till Biden är ett uttryck för demoralisering, och att de helt enkelt flyter med strömmen... Deras sajt är ju inte särskilt aktiv.

  15. De kommer kanske gå från en stenhård sekterism till ett slags pragmatisk opportunism där de egentligen inte kan förklara teoretiskt varför man just 2020 skulle rösta på just Biden. AG eller BN hade kunnat formulera värsta teorierna om sådana här saker, men en demoraliserad trottegrupp kan det nog inte...

  16. Själv har jag inga teorier alls, men det kan ju bero på att jag länge varit inne i en slags övergångsfas, till vad vet vi ännu inte...

  17. Jag verkar vara något slags neo-strasseritisk schachtmanit med vissa gnostiska drag... :-)
