Monday, August 24, 2020

The Great and Dreaded Corona Conspiracy

This is a remarkable YouTube clip from Cyrus Kirkpatrick´s channel "Afterlife topics and Metaphysics". Kirkpatrick got corona a few months ago and still suffer from various weird symptoms, although the infection as such is gone. He is *pissed* at various conspiracy theorists on the web who claim that corona doesn´t even exist, that sick people are faking it, or that they are somehow deluded. 

I find this clip interesting precisely because Kirkpatrick is very open minded and "alternative". I mean, most of his channel deals with some pretty extreme out of body experiences! 

Personally, I don´t think the whole truth surrounding corona has been revealed yet (isn´t it at least a *little* bit suspicious that it started at the only wet market in East Asia that´s situated right outside a virological institute?), and neither does Kirkpatrick, but it´s perfectly obvious that the virus in itself is nasty and real... 

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