Saturday, October 26, 2024

Selective breeding


Some committee in Finland may or may not propose that every woman under 30 who has her first child will get a 30,000 euro grant. Finland´s birth rate is apparently the lowest in Europe.

It won´t work, of course. Unless you want cannon fodder. Which I suppose some governments do want, who knows?

Now, imagine the same proposal, but part of a eugenic breeding program. Only White Finns need apply. Their health, muscular mass, genes and IQ are meticulously screened before they receive the 30,000 euros.

Can you imagine any Finnish politician voting for it? LOL. I can´t either. Even apart from the fact that the EU will boycott the shitty "fascist" little nation.

And even if carried out, it probably won´t work anyway.  

1 comment:

  1. We never know how DDR:::s program of "eugenics" would have worked either. The wanted to give academic women and couples extra money for every child they had.
    But it was stopped as it was deemed to controversial. Swedish communists and social democrats were among the most vocal critics of the program.
    But i like the idea of stimulating the "inteligentsia" to breed as much as everyone else.
    Intelectuals in large numbers without kids tend to have the most insane ideas that they the try to realise when they become part of the ruling class.
    People without children are not very bothered if their country turns into a shithole country in a generation or two.See Merkel for an extreme example.
