Thursday, September 29, 2022

Jerusalem madness


Yes, it´s the red heifers. See time stamps 9:46 - 13:35.

And in case you don´t get it, apparently a *perfect* red heifer was necessary for sacrifices in the Jewish temple in Jerusalem. That is, a heifer with absolutely no white or black hairs. This kind of heifer supposedly don´t exist anymore, which means that to all intents and purposes, the Temple can´t be rebuilt!

Years ago, I read about a Christian fundamentalist rancher in Texas who tried to breed all-red heifers. This is connected to an idea among certain Christian groups that a new Jewish temple must be built before the Second Advent of Christ. Judging by the broadcast above, this kind of Protestant fundamentalists (who await the return of *Jesus*, remember?) have struck an unholy alliance with Jewish fundamentalists, who also want to rebuild the Temple and hence also need the red heifers.

The problem seems to be that the red heifers currently in existence always grow at least *some* white or black hairs, making them unfit to “purify” the Temple priests. If the particular cattle featured in this TV broadcast will usher in the millennium won´t become clear until next year, when they turn two years old (the age specified in the Torah for said bovids to be acceptable sacrifice).

Somehow, I find it difficult to believe that the works of the Almighty can be thwarted – or forced – by ranchers in Texas manipulating cow DNA, but I suppose the Lord might indeed work in mysterious ways…


  1. Off topic. Ett video-tips till de som borde känna sig träffade.

  2. Ovanligt tråkig. Bekräftar bara högertrollens slogan "the left can´t meme". Hade nog kunna göra en roligare själv. Hon också. Misstänker nämligen att Greta innerst inne har en helknäpp humor!

    1. Tycker Gretas syster verkar varra ett roligt temperamentsknippe. Hon vrålade vid något tillfälle åt deras mor "Du är sämsta jävla hormamman i världen som bara bryr dig om Greta hela tiden".

  3. Good Grief! Will it never end? Why not just dye them with henna? Or will god not be fooled?

    Also, here's some neato pictures of christ-like comparisons. I was researching the christian myth, of which much has been written recently.

  4. Sites like that usually exaggerate, but I happen to agree that Christianity probably is a kind of mystery religion syncretized with Judaism. Which in and of itself doesn´t make it "wrong" (or "right", for that matter). C S Lewis said that perhaps the mystery god decided to show up for real this time!

    And if we go further back, Judaism was probably heavily syncretized with Zoroastrianism, and original Judaism may have been more "pagan" than many would like to admit.

    I mean, the Ark of the Covenant was covered by two large angel statues...and this in a religion that supposedly opposed polytheism and graven images!


  6. Ironically, though, Catholicism shouldn´t have any problems with the graven images of Judaism, the henotheistic tendencies, or a female mother in heaven. Neither should other more ritualist forms of Christianity. Suitably re-interpreted, it´s almost the same thing!

  7. Nicely done, one read through all three links. Learned three new words, and came upon the mitochondrial Eve (of 200,000 years ago)
    in the process!

    Tangentially: My own theory: hominid genes were *pierced* by gamma rays or some solar/stellar/cosmic emanation (random accident?) which flipped some genetic switch therein and from there led to our modern mutations. Who's to say the Nephilim were not an actual race?

    (According to National Geographic genome project, my own ancestors were second wave migrants from the African savannah, turned west after skirting the Mediterranean, went through northern Europe to England and arrived in North America in 1634, which is a known fact to family.) The NatGeo project sampled verified DNA markers from indigenous populations and compared samples sent in by individuals, for a cost. It is retired now.
