Friday, February 23, 2024

The fire next time: Transnistria?


Rumors or fears about the Russian-Ukrainian war spilling over into Moldova are hardly new, and here we go again. While Moldova doesn´t border Russia, part of its territory is actually controlled by a Russian-backed breakaway republic known as Transnistria. And they do border Ukraine...

As far as I understand, there have always been Russian Federation troops in Transnistria, the population of which is largely Russian. 

Since Moldova isn´t a NATO member, it could be a tempting target for a new front in the war. Indeed, it´s difficult to see what Moldova (or NATO for that matter) could even do, if Russia officially annexes Transnistria, and then choses to go no further? Transnistria would then become a new Kaliningrad, which it perhaps already is anyway.

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