Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Down and out in the solar system


Me, when realizing how little we really know

Some crazy science news about our own cosmic backyard, the good ol´ solar system. 

Note the third link! Is panspermia back in fashion? The impending solar maximum will lead to a rehash of all the usual conspiracy theories (and a couple of new ones - wanna bet?). 

And yes, it´s funny that the most far out object in the solar system is called Farfarout, although I suppose Farfargone would be even more entertaining. But perhaps thats a secret nickname for Earth? Oh, and they discovered volatiles on Mercury, LOL.  

Life on Mercury?


Key building blocks for RNA and DNA discovered at distant asteroid

Gargantuan sunspot pointing directly at Earth


  1. Your AI imagery is far out man! Really, it has become pretty good. Nearly masterful haa haa...

  2. I have often thought we are due for a major catastrophe of unimaginable consequences when solar flares impact our hapless planet...

  3. Yes, if the entire world wibe web goes off line...and then the satellites...but what if the nukes are still working???

    1. The radio controllers are offline as well? My feeble understanding is that electricity in all usages will fail as well. No bank transactions, no gas at the pump. Nada...I'd give a sane civilization maybe two weeks before total terror sets in.
