Tuesday, May 16, 2023

What seems to be the problem, prabhu?

Here are "30 Questions for Atheists" I found at some rando atheist (sic) channel on YouTube. They were of course composed by a Christian. And of course I decided to answer them from the perspective of a purely imaginary Left Hand Tantrika. Enjoy!

What is right or wrong? 

What are you even on about? There is no right or wrong. Whatever makes you realize your fundamental unity with Bhairava is “right”. Including rank debauches, necrophagy and anthropophagy. I mean, I thought that was obvious?

How do you explain evil?

What you call “evil” comes from God, who is a three-headed creature dwelling in the charnel ground, surrounded by really hungry dogs!  

On what authority do you judge good/evil?

LOL. Well, on what authority do *you* judge good or evil? Your boy Yahweh was pretty damn based, probably a bhairava who decided to haunt another charnel ground…

Where did matter come from?

Part of God´s play, dude.  

Can something come from nothing?

Absolutely. Everything that exists just spontaneously arises out of the Great Void. That Void is esoterically Kali, the devouring Black Hole in the center of what you call Reality. The materialist scientists don´t know half of it MU-HA-HA!!!

What caused the big bang?

See above, prabhu.

Can complexity come from an explosion?

Ha ha ha, what a silly question. Of course not! Ever tried a “big bang” in your back yard?

How do you explain the immaterial?

Oh, the questions are for atheists! Now I get it. Well, sure, the immaterial definitely exists, but esoterically everything is ONE in the DARKNESS OF THE DEVOURING MOTHER.

Define love/hate without the Bible.

Love is what takes you to Goloka, where Krishna dances with the cowheard girls (and in a more recent woke version, cowboys). Hate takes you all the way to the real divine couple, Bhairava and Bhairavi, the dyadic nature of which is really ONE in KALI.

Explain fulfilled prophecies.

Have you seen the film “Mothman”? John Klein explains it quite well, I think.

Explain the resurrection.

The man you know as “Jesus from Nazareth” was really a Druid initiated in the ancient mysteries of Rama, who is Bhairava´s most faithful servant in the form of the Man-Lion. What do you think Jesus and the Devil were talking about for 40 days in the desert??? MU-HA-HA-HA!

How do you know your worldview is true?

That´s what necrophagy and too much insight meditation does to a man.

What do you do with guilt?

What guilt, brother?

What provides the pre-conditions of intelligibility?

Well, how do you define “intelligibility”? At the esoterick center, “intelligible” questions of this sort will go away, trust me prabhu!

Where did the laws of logic come from?

The biggest scheme the Devil ever pulled. Aristotle fell for it, lock, stock and barrel! Now, listen to my words, prabhu: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS LOGIC.

What is the meaning of life?

When you become enlightened, questions like this will no longer vex your puny little mind.

How do you know evolution is true?

Only Bhairava and Bhairavi could come up with such crazy shit as “evolution”.

Do moral laws mean there is a moral law giver?

Yahweh´s moral law-giving in Leviticus is very interesting, wouldn´t you say, prabhu?

How do you know slavery is wrong?

It´s not wrong. Some people are naturally slaves. That basic dude Aristotle got that one right, at least. Now, show me where the Bible says that slavery is wrong?

How do you know torturing people is wrong?

Who told you it was wrong? Gotta love your take on hellfire, btw.

Evidence for time +chance = complexity?

Why do you obsess about this kind of stuff all the time, LOL. Come and join our orgy at the cremation ground instead!

Where did DNA information come from?

Probably Vishnu. That boring dude always comes up with “order and dharma” like this, I mean, puleeze.

Doesn't DNA info make evolution impossible?

Well, I wasn´t there when it happened, prabhu, but my guess is that Bhairava decided to mess with Vishnu´s little DNA toys!

Can atheism explain complex moral issues?

Can you?

Would you think cereal writing a sentence happened by chance?

Depends on what you mean by “chance”. Or "cereal", for that matter. Everything that exists arises spontaneously from the Void, that Great Shunya in the metaphorical HEART of so-called existence itself, so in that sense, yes, even cereal writing a sentence could happen by “chance”. Again: why do you bother with things like this? Go down in lotus position and chant the sacred AUM, and you won´t care anymore!

Where are the transitional fossils?

In the charnel ground. We have transitional fossils the paleontologists have never seen!

What use is half a wing?

What use is half a brain?

Can life come from non-life?

Depends on how you define these frankly meaningless terms which you seem so obsessed about, but in a certain sense, certainly. In the Tantrik universe, cereal can come ALIVE and WRITE ON THE WALL, that much is certain!

Without god, why are humans valuable?

Hash, maybe?

Can intelligence come from non-intelligence?

Well, now when you say it…probably not, HAH HAH HAH.

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