Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Richard Doty strikes again


Richard Doty is a notorious disinfo agent inserted into the UFO-logy community by some Amerikan intelligence service. Unless he is auto-planted, LOL. Doty was involved in the so-called Bennewitz case (see my review of “Project Beta” by Greg Bishop). I didn´t know he was also behind the Project Serpo legend. Well, the quasi-cultish UFO and Roswell enthusiasts had it coming if you ask me, so I can´t say I fault Mr Doty for his ops. Hats off to the guy!

The details of the Serpo saga varies a bit depending on the source of your (real?) info, but the bottom line is that Doty fed it to the UFO-logy community in order to create conflict and pandemonium. The story is an expansion of the Roswell mythos. It essentially claims that a dozen human astronauts were allowed to visit “Serpo”, the supposed home planet of the aliens that crashed at Roswell. The material then describes life and technology on Serpo in some detail, and even contains a photo of the planet´s two suns. The whole thing reads like a boring scy fy novel. Apart from the almost obligatory double star system, there are accounts of human cloning, mysterious electronic devices, pills containing all the nutrition you need, and so on. The aliens are surprisingly “human” in their lifestyle, despite looking like stereotypical Greys. They have nuclear families, pray to some kind of god, their females are less aggressive and more nice towards the astronauts than their males, and their planet was previously threatened by overpopulation. And just like the contactee stories of the 1950´s and 1960´s, the aliens have certain “hippie” traits, such as being vegetarian.

Apparently, Doty or whoever is behind this actually got the idea from a science fiction writer, Alice Bradley Sheldon (a.k.a. James Tiptree jr.), who also worked for the CIA! That would indeed explain a thing or two. The video above is from the Why Files, an entertaining YouTube channel devoted to exploring various paranormal and alternative claims. Apart from telling the story of Project Serpo and kind of debunk it, the channel also makes some *really* weird claims about why the Serpo lore was created in the first place (won´t spoil your fun by disclosing it here). If the claims are true, then Doty simply recycled the story decades later to fool the UFO-logy community.

We can´t say we haven´t been warned!

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