"Being Human" is a British series with an interesting concept. What happens if a vampire, a werewolf and a ghost live in the same house in a boring British town? Quite a lot, it turns out.
Annie is a friendly female ghost who realizes that her boyfriend murdered her. Mitchell is a vampire who is trying to quit. George is a human who occasionally turns into a werewolf. His girlfriend has no idea. Together, Annie, Mitchell and George are trying to live normal lives in the British town of Bristol. This turns out to be easier said than done. The sociopath who killed Annie happens to be their landlord. The local police are heavily infiltrated by evil vampires, who plan to take over the world (or at least Bristol). To make matters worse, Mitchell is stalked by a former girlfriend who also happens to be a vampire!
I must admit that I didn't really like "Being Human". The series is too slow paced, George and Annie are real nerds, and there's no real balance between the serious parts and the uncanny humour of some episodes. The whole thing feels very uneven.
Still, the series could be of some interest to undead lovers of the vampire genre. At least if you don't take vampires too seriously, since "Being Human" often makes fun of the usual vampire stereotypes. In the series, vampires turn out to be afraid not only of crucifixes, but also of the Jewish Star of David. The werewolf George turns out to be Jewish, something he puts to good use when fighting the bad guys. And yes, the evil vampire brotherhood uses an undertaker as cover!
Personally, I only give this series two stars, but yes, I'm subjective...
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