Tuesday, January 23, 2024



I just realized that there is something terribly wrong with my romantic "mood pictures" of mute and black swans.

No, it´s not that the mute swan is mute (IRL it really isn´t). 

It´s - of course - the black swan. Silly me. "Black swan" is high brow slang for "entirely unexpected event". It could be a good one, I suppose, but in 2024, everyone expects the black swan to be a virtual horror show!

On the other hand, if everyone expects something, it´s no longer a black swan event, is it? And since white swans are some kind of sacred Hindu symbol for Paramatman or something to that effect, maybe we are all subliminally saved...     

1 comment:

  1. Helt off topic. Hamas har en egen version. https://www.palestinechronicle.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/PDF.pdf
