Sunday, January 28, 2024

Climate sensitivity


Sabine Hossenfelder´s most pessimistic video on the climate crisis yet. Short story: climate zones will move, the areas around the equator will become uninhabitable, giant migrant streams of climate refugees will move north, and this will lead to "political instability" (she really means full-scale war, but maybe that´s too spicey for YouTube censors). 

Meanwhile, the Global North will continue to use fossil fuels, ironically as a way to fend off the immidiate consequences of climate change (which is caused by said fuels in the first place). Fertilizer and irrigation to keep agriculture going are dependent on fossil fuels, and so is air conditioning on a truly massive scale. 

Ironically, Hossenfelder´s own "solution" is also dependent on a fossil fuel-based economy. How can we expand nuclear power, without fossil fuels lurking menacingly somewhere in the background?

She´s right about the mass death and violence.  


  1. This segment should be on Prime Time TV worldwide...getting past the data reports of various kinds and to the heart of the matter...uh oh, did she say mind f***king at 13:17? One can see she's visibly shaken by what she's about to say, as if she already feels the suffering that;s going to come. Many processes have already been set in motion. And a plug for Planet Wild ends it perfectly...

  2. Yes, she even cursed at one point, and tried to keep her strange jokes to a minimum (she even says so). Although that only resulted in her remaining jokes being even stranger, but I think she says that too!
