Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Minority report


The Republican minority of the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions have issued an interim report on the origins of the COVID virus. They reach the conclusion that a lab origin is "likely". 

I have no position on the issue, and the GOP obviously have a vested interest in pointing the finger at China, but it annoys me that the official "line" changes all the time, while everyone else is facing censorship...

So I link to this as a kind of political protest (I have previously linked to articles attacking exactly this position).  


  1. Slightly OT:
    Im sceptical of astrology but besides that, i am just as worried as Sheridan about the future:


  2. He sits in darkness quite often these days...or nights. In another clip, he comments the "COVID amnesty". Here, I think:

