Monday, November 28, 2022

Fast as a jehu

In a very recently published book (which I haven´t read yet), American occultist John Michael Greer claims to have found - wait for it - the Holy Grail!

He. Found. What???

The link below goes to a short podcast (circa 28 minutes) in which JMG discusses his theory with the podcaster. The short story (or maybe not) is that the Holy Grail is a secret initiation ritual, the origins of which goes back to the pagan Greek mysteries by way of Gnostic heresies. A 19th century female folklorist tracked down a group that practiced the ceremony, but the knowledge was lost around 1930...

In the podcast, JMG says he reconstructed the ritual of the Holy Grail, but never actually carried it out. Then, the discussion veers into more typical Freemasonic territory, so presumably I have to buy the book, after all!

Fun fact: for most of my life, I wondered about the two expressions "fast as a jehu" and "fast as a Jew". Jehu was an ancient king of Israel, but why the heck is he considered "fast"? JMG at least solved this little mystery for me! :D 

Ancient Mysteries in the air

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