Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Welcome to the darkness




  1. Är dåligt insatt här. Hur mycket av frekvenserna utanför vårt normala upotagningsområde kan vi hyfsat lätt detektera med teknik. Röntgen och värmekameror är ju ett sätt öka vad vi kan uppfatta med synen. Har för mig att teknik även finns som lätt uppfattar fkadermysklick ich annat utanför vad vi normalt kan höra.

  2. OK I'm scared! Rerun Predator or Predator 2 ! But yes, beyond our capabilities lay many physical realities. We just don't have the tools to see, hear or otherwise sense them. I vote for a neutral benignity in the U-verse, AKA it is what it is. Besides, we got 'nuff problems down here than to worry about creepy realities cold cocking us when we ain't looking.

  3. Actually watched Predator the other week. Was thinking of Burmese were-cats and stuff as the plot was unfolding...

    1. In Predator 2 the Lieutenant actually gets onto the aliens spaceship...

    2. Indeed. And when he defeat the young predator they give him an old pistol that belonged to a pirate captain who gave it to a predator just before he was defeated. The brutes at least had som honor codex they stuck to.
      In the Predator comics a lot of the loose ends from the movie is explained.
      Suprisingly good comics. most of it is on YT in the channel "Alien theory".
      But the comics just became too much when the predators were mixed wth the aliens from "Aliens".

    3. There are also at least a dozen different kinds of Aliens in the Alien comics...
