Tuesday, November 28, 2023

The accidental magician


Thomas Sheridan discusses the phenomenon of paranormal researchers seemingly conjuring up (or rather attracting) paranormal entities, sometimes malevolent ones. He retells his own bizarre experiences in this regard. Another curious aspect of the situation is that Fortean reseachers often see *other* paranormal phenomena than the ones they are looking for. Thus, somebody searching for Nessie might see UFOs or ghosts instead. 

Some aspects of the above could be given a natural explanation. Perhaps people obsessed with what they think is supernatural are more prone to hallucinations. The whole thing "gets to them". But why would a Nessie hunter see UFOs rather than the plesiosaur being pursued? No idea, frankly.

Sheridan actually warns people not to dabble in these things, and has some unkind comments about Deepak Chopra at the end...

Interesting, after a fashion.     

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