Monday, July 27, 2020

The Akhenaten Material

This is a peculiar lecture, posted on YouTube by the Theosophical Society Adyar. Or not so peculiar, since many esoteric and new agey groups claim that ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten was a spiritual master of some kind. The reason is, of course, his monotheism. It´s possible that Akhenaten´s cult of the sun disc (the Aten) was the world´s first monotheist religion. Since monotheism is considered "good" in the Western imagination, while polytheism is "bad", Akhenaten has usually been cast in the role of ascended master of the White Lodge. Or even as Moses! 

This lecturer goes even further, and projects an entire channelled New Age message onto the old pharaoh (with the inevitable space aliens), complete with a "revolutionary" message that sounds heavily anachronistic. He attacks "the one percenters", claims that Akhenaten liberated the Egyptians peasants, and that he was subsequently overthrown by the "military-industrial complex". In Egypt 3,300 years ago? The message from the aliens seems to be "The Law of One" (alias "The Ra Material"), which I haven´t read, but which is currently very popular in New Age and metaphysical circles. 

As for Akhenaten - the real one - he was probably a mad king of the classical sort who wanted to create a hyper-centralist Egyptian state with a cult centered on himself as the only true prophet of the Aten. Thus, his attacks on the powerful polytheist priesthoods were wholly self-serving. Indeed, he may have come close to completely destroying ancient Egypt in the process. Once again: the only reason why he is considered interesting in the modern West is his "monotheism" and some "Epicurean" traits. For all we know, Akhenaten wasn´t a pristine revolutionary, but rather Egypt´s very own Joe Stalin! But thankfully a much less succesful one. 

With that, I leave you for now. Commander Ashtar, over and out.


  1. Det absurda med den här killen är att han faktiskt liknar Sy Landy till både utseende och stil. Don´t quote me, don´t tweet at me!

  2. Some fun stuff coming up next week...

  3. Han hade nog en dle likheter med Nabonidus.

  4. Alltså Akhenaten - inte den teosofiske föreläsaren eller Sy Landy.

  5. Väldigt intressant artikel. Dynamiken kring galna kungar som ingen inhemsk potentat vill störta är ju också fascinerande (om det är rätt ord).

  6. Danielsboken är intressant av andra orsaker också. Visste du att ortodoxa judar och konservativa kristna översätter profetian om de 70 veckorna på samma sätt? Messias kommer att framträda circa år 30...

    1. Eller rättare sagt "en som är smord"

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. År 30? 30 i vår tideräkning? Eller?

  7. Fast i den judiska versionen är det tydligen den siste judiske kungen (är det Agrippa?) som avses. I den kristna är det en viss Jesus.

    Liberala judar och kristna menar däremot att profetian syftar på något som hände under mackabeerkrigen.

  8. Observera att templet ska förstöras vid ospecificerad tidpunkt efter den smordes död.

    Fast templet attackerades även under mackabeerkrigen, och judiska profeter brukade förutsäga dess förstörelse. Det var standard. Syftar förstås på det första templets förstörelse.

  9. Tror man att Jesus är en verklig historisk person är det ju lite märkligt att han blev dödad precis när han skulle bli det enligt en profetia från flera århundraden tidigare. Fast han kanske provocerade fram sin egen död?

  10. Kan man vara säker att han var 30 (eller 33?) när han dog. Kan inte åldern ha friserats för att det skulle passa in på profetian?

  11. Vad jag tycker om Akhenaten framgår kanske här. Men när jag skriver att Tutankhamun avskaffade den monoteistiska Aton-kulten borde jag väl ha skrivit att han tvingades att göra det.

  12. Profetiam brukar alltså tolkas som att "den smorde" ska framträda och bli dödad omkring det årtal som i vår tideräkning motsvarar (cirka) år 30. Jag minns inte det exakta årtalet. Det står ingenting om den smordes egen ålder.

  13. Jag har tittat lite på det. De som får fram sådana resultat verkar räkna om tidsmåtten på ett sätt som inte verkar helt uppenbart självklart, för att uttrycka det lite försiktigt.

  14. Vad händer i Vitryssland just nu?

  15. What is happening in Belarus? Does Lukashenko want out? Break with Putin?


  17. I found the answer to my Belarus question. Three Seas Initiative!

  18. Erik,

    Dax för oss att konvertera? Du tar anglo-katolicismen i Adyars tappning, så tar jag rosenkreuzarna!

  19. Black swan event in progress as we speak...

    The redacted Epstein files can apparently be decrypted?!

  20. Could be trick from Maxwell to compromise evidence. Or...?

  21. In other news, scientists claim to have revived micro-organisms that have been dormant for - wait for it - 100 MILLION YEARS???

    I find that very hard to believe. Is it a faked paper?

  22. FBI knew about Epstein all along. Guess who were FBI directors during that period? Yepp, liberal heroes Mueller and Comey...

  23. Huvudgrejen är att Bill Clinton sägs ha varit på Epsteins ö. Skyldig?

  24. A propos those micro-organisms...

    The Chad Micro-Organism versus the Virgin Hominid.

  25. Trump skickar trupperna som dras bort från Tyskland till Polen istället. På vilket sätt gynnar detta Putin? Alla vulgoliberaler kan sluta klaga nu. Kan vi få en analys från Wolodarski och Winiarski? LOL

  26. The Chad NATO Strongman versus the Virgin Russiagater.

  27. I'm old enough to remember when ACLU and SPLC were considered to be serious organizations. Was I wrong?

  28. I'm old enough to remember when the left actually opposed Amerikan imperialismo.

  29. I'm old enough to remember when the left supported Putin. That was about 8 years ago. Look at them now...

  30. I don't recognize the political landscape anymore. If nobody else cares anymore, what makes you think I will? What if I go full fash tomorrow morning? What do you do?

  31. When I was young, leftists actually supported labor unions. Or even Communist regimes. Some *were* Communists. Later, they went crazy, started chasing after Islamo-fascists, Putin.

  32. And now? They support the Democratic Party, the European Union, Big Tech, Corona lockdowns, Green capitalism!

  33. They also want to tear down statues of Grant and Lincoln?!

  34. And yes,many of them dress in drag. If 1914 was the tragedy, this is the farce!

  35. In 1914,the class traitors wore really fancy costumes. Today? Not so much!

  36. Before this shit is over, we will see leftists joining some violent action *openly* on behalf of the globalist establishment. That will be their 1914!

  37. The left doesn't acknowledge the dialectic, but the dialectic sure as hell acknowledges the left. Watch how quantity turns to *quality*!

  38. What if somebody stronger than you will win hearts and minds of young savages of the left? They already have FANATICAL streak. What if a more mesmerizing ideology (and Leader) takes the place of SJW-ish left-liberalism?

  39. Do you really think a bunch of Boomer-GenXer opportunists on a long march through the institutions can control the raw young savages of Antifa? LOL, you will have rude awakening!

  40. But sure, the Masters of the Universe might use them as stormtroopers, provocateurs, etc.

  41. But what if provocation fails? What then? Or if the useful fools realize they have been taken for a ride? What if they come *for you*?

  42. Vore kul om Ryssland invaderar Vitryssland och tvingar DN och AB att stödja Donald Trump när denne försöker hjälpa vitryssarna. Belarus som alltså är en diktatur...

  43. De har redan stora problem med Trumps markeringar mot Kina.

  44. Just read about the British "death squads" in Afghanistan. American liberals will claim that the story is Russian propaganda in 10, 9, 8...

  45. Liberals will say that it's Russian psy-op, while leftists will say it's true and then demand more immigration from Afghanistan to Western nations...

  46. Why does some media outlets suddenly admit that Biden and Trump are tied in polls? Has this something to do with the VP pick? Read:probably not a Black woman.

  47. Is Biden postponing VP pick? Read: probably not a Black woman.

  48. Will Biden finally disavow BLM-Antifa? The media meltdown will be EPIC!

  49. It would be great fun if Dems are preparing a "moderate" turn, since regime change operation didn't work. Media meltdown coming! However, I don't think Dem support for Antifa riots can be walked back.

    It's over.

  50. Media U-turn will be fun watching, bring out the pop corn!

  51. Media must know their place as BITCHES of DNC, can't question anything, not even White VP or riot walk back. LOL!

  52. Trump verkar ha tagit ledningen i vissa mätningar, det är därför Biden dröjer med VP-beskedet.
