Friday, June 19, 2020

Embodied in the astral

Cyrus Kirkpatrick is an “astral explorer” in the proud tradition of Robert Monroe. He believes that the soul has the ability to leave the physical body and explore the astral realms beyond our mundane everyday existence. This phenomenon, often known as Out of Body Experience, has obvious similarities to a Near Death Experience. Occultists call it astral projection. Kirkpatrick believes that his soul (or astral body) lives a kind of parallel life on the astral planes. He has a house and a family in an astral city! I haven´t read Kirkpatrick´s book, but have started to follow his YouTube channel. Some of the content is pretty wild, while on other points, our traveler actually sounds more reasonable than many New Age faithful (not to mention cultists). I suppose the astral planes are somewhat complex…

In this clip, Kirkpatrick argues that the afterlife does *not* mean that everyone turns into fluffy quasi-perfect and presumably impersonal balls of light (or something to that effect), rather we have a personal and even somewhat “bodily” life on the other side, surely a more appealing perspective to many people. If you take Near Death Experiences seriously, they certainly seem to indicate that our personalities will remain intact even in a spiritual state, and that the heavenly existence has strong resemblances to earthly incarnation. In general, I get the impression that almost all religions have huge problems with NDEs, since they always contradict some of their cherished dogmas…

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