Saturday, November 9, 2019

VEGAN Zombie Apocalypse

A serious posting by Thomas Sheridan, in which he describes the possible fallout of a coronal mass ejection, sometimes referred to as a “Carrington event”. Sheridan, who is an occultist with pagan tendencies, claims to have had a revelation of sorts that this might happen during our lifetimes. In other clips, he is denying climate change, so I suppose this is his alternative doomsday scenario. 

Or maybe not quite doomsday, since Sheridan is at pains to point out that a coronal mass ejection won´t affect the entire world, nor are its consequences completely impossible to cope with. Civilization in the nations hit by the cosmic rays might even be restored, perhaps after a couple of years. 

Of course, our favorite crazy Irishman wouldn´t be himself if he didn´t include *some* humor in an otherwise dark clip…yes, this time it´s about vegans being forced to eat human flesh. 

I admit that a vegan zombie apocalypse would be an original way to “try out a new thing”, as our hippie friends would no doubt put it!

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