Saturday, May 1, 2021

Strasser of the Week?

I know next to nothing about the day-to-day politcking in Brazil, but the article below (yes, it´s from the ultra-radical World Socialist Web Site) is interesting, arguing that the far left PSOL is secretly talking to a far right group aligned with neo-charismatic churches and Donald Trump! How on earth that is a bad thing is beyond me, but there you go...  

"Brazilian pseudo-left seeks political accommodation with far right"

UPDATE. According to Wiki, Republicanos supported the PT for years before turning instead to the centrist PSDB, so it´s hardly "far right" and "fascistic" in the usual senses of those terms. What a disappointment, LOL. I assume the PSOL is simply trying to replace the PT as the Republicanos ally in Sao Paolo? 

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