Thursday, September 19, 2019

Finally some good news

In 4 billion years, the sun will swallow the Earth and then collapse. Which I suppose is bad news. However, I´ve been reliably informed that the Maitreya Buddha will appear in 5.6 billion years and save all sentient beings by taking them to the Pure Land Paradise in the West. Which, if you chose to believe it, sounds like good news.

I´m a believer.

Of course, it also means that humanity and other Buddha-forsaken monads have been given 5.6 billion years to sort out their acts.

If *that* is good or bad news, I honestly don´t know…



  1. In the west? Vad betyder det om jorden är slukad av solen?

  2. Är det så här du tar emot det glada budskapet, Kire? ;-)

    Jag vet inte vad väst kan tänkas betyda i tomma rymden, så Maitreya får helt enkelt snabba på med evakueringen!
