Saturday, December 22, 2018

The killing fields

Although I tend to like John Michael Greer (see my link list to the right), I must say that he is being overly optimistic in his latest column, ”The Flight from Nature”. JMG proposes – and it´s part of his shtick – that the privileged middle class protestors who currently dominate the “stop climate change” scene should start living as they preach and drastically cut their carbon footprints. That is, lower their extremely high standard of living. Think Al Gore, the modern prophet of climate change, who lives in a huge mansion and flies to his lectures in a jet plane…

Today, working class people (and lower middle class people) draw the conclusion that the climate activists only want to take *their* fossil fuels (the fossil fuels of the working class people) while continuing to use fossil fuels themselves. What other conclusion is even possible based on the antics of Al Gore et al? While this is probably true, what makes JMG think the common man (and woman) will change their mind if climate change activists *do* go back to the land, form hippie communes, don funny outfits and drastically cut their carbon footprint? No, they wouldnt. Quite the contrary, in fact. This would demonstrate that the middle class activists are *really deadly serious* about taking the fossil fuels away from working class people! The reaction would be swift: a Green scare of a kind you haven´t seen since the Unabomber situation of the 1990´s.

Of course, one day, people will wake up. There will come a point when climate change and its dire consequences simply can´t be denied. Then, people will cut their carbon footprints, whether they like it or not. Will they thank the Green activists who tried to warn them? Will they turn them into heroes? Of course not. The common men and women will go from house to house, hound out the Greens, and simply kill them. Indeed, in some weird way, they will find a way to blame everything on the messengers…

Perhaps I´m just too pessimistic. I mean, I just experienced the longest day of the year (yes, that would be the Winter Solstice). And then, maybe not. I know I would react in the above manner, if I hadn´t been green-pilled. Part of me still reacts like that. Let us hope and pray that the Ashtar Command Book Blog is unique in this regard…

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