Saturday, April 27, 2024

The everpresent prince of Rosh


I already linked to this (last year), but the present political situation seems to have made Ezekiel´s supposed prophecies about Gog, Magog and the prince of Rosh popular again, so here we go again...

Short form: probably not a prophecy by Ezekiel in the first place, the speculations about "Gog and Magog" attacking Israel have little or no resemblance to the geopolitical situation in 2024. "Prince of Rosh" is a mistranslation and has nothing to do with Russia. And nobody knows what on earth "Gog and Magog" refers to anyway, the references being contradictory even in the Bible (not to mention different manuscript traditions).

But sure, there *are* similarities between Biblical prophecies and the general trend of history in the Middle East, but that is easily explained by geopolitics being ever the same. And even that might change in the future due to the climate crisis...

Gog and Magog: Israel´s mysterious northern foes

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