Monday, November 30, 2020

Proofs of a conspiracy

The election results were highly anomalous and all anomalies point in the same direction. Biden Didn't Win. From The Spectator.

Imagine if *exactly the same thing* had happened in Russia, Belarus or some banana republic currently not on the "good people" (TM) list. Nobody would deny that the results would be highly suspicious...

But somehow, we are supposed to believe that the super-corrupted Dems and Never Trump RINOs, who take money even from Russians as if nothing, are above such things on Amerikan election day!


Reasons why the 2020 presidential election is deeply puzzling


  1. Är "Always Trump"-republikaner fria från korruption och annat otäckt? De skulle aldrig kunna tänka sig att valfuska?

  2. De kanske inte *behövde* valfuska denna gång?

  3. Forever Trump rimmar ju bättre med Never Trump.
