Monday, April 27, 2020

In defense of the Aghori

An interesting YouTube clip in which Sadhguru (a popular Hindu teacher in India) explains the bizarre antics of the Left Hand Tantric sect of the Aghori, and even somewhat defends them. The Aghori became notorious in the West when CNN´s Reza Aslan actually participated in one of their antinomian rituals and supposedly consumed ashes from a cremated human brain! Amid the furor, the CNN were forced to dicontinue Aslan´s entire TV series. 

Sadhguru, who admits that the Aghori path isn´t for him, points out that in India, many spiritual paths are not about love and compassion. The Aghori are the fearless ones, who are all-embracing, treating the pure and the impure in the same way. Their interest in cremated bodies is a way of harvesting prana (life force) without actually killing anyone. 

Sadhguru believes that scientists are more bizarre than the Tantrikas, since they are dissecting frogs... 

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